This book is about quantum computing and quantum algorithms. The book starts with a chapter introducing the basic rules of quantum mechanics and how they can be used to build quantum circuits and perform computations.
Further, Grover's algorithm is presented for unstructured search discussing its consequences and applications.
Next, important techniques are discussed such as Quantum Fourier Transform and quantum phase estimation. Finally, Shor's algorithm for integer factorization is explained.
At last, quantum walks are explained in detail covering both the discrete and continuous time models, and applications of this techniques are described for the design and analyses of quantum algorithms.
這本書是關於量子計算和量子演算法的。書中首先介紹了量子力學的基本規則,以及如何利用這些規則來構建量子電路並執行計算。接著,介紹了 Grover 的演算法,用於無結構搜尋,並討論了其後果和應用。接下來,討論了一些重要的技術,例如量子傅立葉變換(Quantum Fourier Transform)和量子相位估計(quantum phase estimation)。最後,解釋了 Shor 的演算法,用於整數因式分解。最後,詳細說明了量子隨機漫步(quantum walks),涵蓋了離散和連續時間模型,並描述了這些技術在量子演算法設計和分析中的應用。
Renato Portugal graduated in Physics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de janeiro in 1981 and obtained his PhD degree in Physics at the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics in 1988. He was a visiting professor at the University of Waterloo in 1997 and 2008 and at the Queen's University at Kingston in 1998 in Canada. He is currently a full researcher at the National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC). Currently, he is working in the area of quantum computing with focus on the following subareas: algorithms for quantum computing, analysis and simulation of quantum walks, and classical cryptography.
Franklin de Lima Marquezino graduated in Computer Science from the Catholic University of Petropolis in 2004, and received his PhD degree in Computer Modelling form the National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC) in 2010. He stayed for one year as postdoctoral researcher also at LNCC. Since 2011, he is an associate professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, working mainly in the areas of quantum algorithms and quantum walks.
Carlile Lavor graduated in Mathematics from the University of Campinas in 1996, and received a PhD in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in 2001. He was a visiting professor at prestigious institutions like École Polytechnique (2008-2009) and Duke University (2013-2014). Since 2005, he has been working at the University of Campinas, where he is now a full professor. He is co-author of the books "Euclidean Distance Geometry" and "A Geometric Algebra Invitation to Space-Time Physics, Robotics and Molecular Geometry" and co-editor of "Distance Geometry: Theory, Methods and Applications" book, all by Springer.
Renato Portugal 於1981年畢業於里約熱內盧的天主教大學,獲得物理學學士學位,並於1988年在巴西物理研究中心獲得物理學博士學位。他曾於1997年和2008年擔任滑鐵盧大學的訪問教授,並於1998年在加拿大的女王大學擔任訪問教授。目前,他是國家科學計算實驗室(LNCC)的全職研究員。現在,他專注於量子計算領域,主要研究以下子領域:量子計算算法、量子隨機漫步的分析與模擬,以及古典密碼學。
Franklin de Lima Marquezino 於2004年畢業於彼得羅波利斯天主教大學,並於2010年在國家科學計算實驗室(LNCC)獲得計算建模博士學位。他在LNCC擔任了一年的博士後研究員。自2011年以來,他是里約熱內盧聯邦大學的副教授,主要研究量子算法和量子隨機漫步領域。
Carlile Lavor 於1996年畢業於坎皮納斯大學,並於2001年在里約熱內盧聯邦大學獲得計算機科學博士學位。他曾在著名機構擔任訪問教授,如法國的École Polytechnique(2008-2009)和美國的杜克大學(2013-2014)。自2005年以來,他一直在坎皮納斯大學工作,現在是全職教授。他是《歐幾里得距離幾何》("Euclidean Distance Geometry")和《幾何代數對時空物理學、機器人學和分子幾何的邀請》("A Geometric Algebra Invitation to Space-Time Physics, Robotics and Molecular Geometry")的共同作者,並且是《距離幾何:理論、方法與應用》("Distance Geometry: Theory, Methods and Applications")一書的共同編輯,該書均由Springer出版。