WebGL Beginner's Guide
暫譯: WebGL 初學者指南

Diego Cantor, Brandon Jones



If you’re a JavaScript developer who wants to take the plunge into 3D web development, this is the perfect primer. From a basic understanding of WebGL structure to creating realistic 3D scenes, everything you need is here.

  • Dive headfirst into 3D web application development using WebGL and JavaScript.
  • Each chapter is loaded with code examples and exercises that allow the reader to quickly learn the various concepts associated with 3D web development
  • The only software that the reader needs to run the examples is an HTML5 enabled modern web browser. No additional tools needed.
  • A practical beginner's guide with a fast paced but friendly and engaging approach towards 3D web development

In Detail

WebGL is a new web technology that brings hardware-accelerated 3D graphics to the browser without installing additional software. As WebGL is based on OpenGL and brings in a new concept of 3D graphics programming to web development, it may seem unfamiliar to even experienced Web developers.

Packed with many examples, this book shows how WebGL can be easy to learn despite its unfriendly appearance. Each chapter addresses one of the important aspects of 3D graphics programming and presents different alternatives for its implementation. The topics are always associated with exercises that will allow the reader to put the concepts to the test in an immediate manner.

WebGL Beginner's Guide presents a clear road map to learning WebGL. Each chapter starts with a summary of the learning goals for the chapter, followed by a detailed description of each topic. The book offers example-rich, up-to-date introductions to a wide range of essential WebGL topics, including drawing, color, texture, transformations, framebuffers, light, surfaces, geometry, and more. With each chapter, you will "level up" your 3D graphics programming skills. This book will become your trustworthy companion filled with the information required to develop cool-looking 3D web applications with WebGL and JavaScript.

What you will learn from this book

  • Understand the structure of a WebGL application
  • Build and render 3D objects with WebGL
  • Load complex models using JSON and AJAX
  • Set up a lighting model using shaders, physics of light reflection, and lighting strategies
  • Create a camera and use it to move around a 3D scene
  • Use texturing, lighting and shading techniques to add greater realism to 3D scenes
  • Implement selection of objects in a 3D scene with the mouse
  • Advanced techniques to create more visually complex and compelling scenes


This book is a step-by-step tutorial that includes complete source code for all of the examples covered. Every chapter builds on top of the previous one thereby giving the reader an immediate feeling of progression. Each block of code is explained, and 3D web development concepts are diagrammed and covered in detail.

Who this book is written for

This book is written for JavaScript developers who are interested in 3D web development. A basic understanding of the DOM object model and the jQuery library is ideal but not required. No prior WebGL knowledge is expected.


如果您是一位希望進入 3D 網頁開發的 JavaScript 開發者,這本書是完美的入門書籍。從對 WebGL 結構的基本理解到創建真實的 3D 場景,您所需的一切都在這裡。

- 直接深入使用 WebGL 和 JavaScript 的 3D 網頁應用程式開發。
- 每一章都充滿了程式碼範例和練習,讓讀者能快速學習與 3D 網頁開發相關的各種概念。
- 讀者只需使用支援 HTML5 的現代網頁瀏覽器來運行範例,無需額外的工具。
- 一本實用的初學者指南,以快速但友好且引人入勝的方式介紹 3D 網頁開發。


WebGL 是一種新興的網頁技術,能在瀏覽器中提供硬體加速的 3D 圖形,而無需安裝額外的軟體。由於 WebGL 基於 OpenGL,並為網頁開發帶來了 3D 圖形程式設計的新概念,即使是經驗豐富的網頁開發者也可能會感到陌生。

這本書充滿了許多範例,展示了儘管 WebGL 的外觀不友好,但其實學習起來是相對簡單的。每一章都針對 3D 圖形程式設計的重要方面,並提供不同的實現替代方案。這些主題總是與練習相關,讓讀者能立即將概念付諸實踐。

《WebGL 初學者指南》提供了一個清晰的學習 WebGL 的路線圖。每一章都以該章的學習目標摘要開始,接著詳細描述每個主題。這本書提供了豐富範例的最新介紹,涵蓋了廣泛的 WebGL 重要主題,包括繪圖、顏色、紋理、變換、幀緩衝區、光源、表面、幾何等。隨著每一章的進展,您將「升級」您的 3D 圖形程式設計技能。這本書將成為您值得信賴的夥伴,提供開發酷炫 3D 網頁應用程式所需的資訊,使用 WebGL 和 JavaScript。


- 理解 WebGL 應用程式的結構
- 使用 WebGL 建立和渲染 3D 物件
- 使用 JSON 和 AJAX 載入複雜模型
- 使用著色器設置光照模型、光的反射物理和照明策略
- 創建相機並使用它在 3D 場景中移動
- 使用紋理、光照和陰影技術為 3D 場景增添更大的真實感
- 實現使用滑鼠在 3D 場景中選擇物件
- 進階技術以創建更具視覺複雜性和吸引力的場景


這本書是一個逐步的教程,包含所有範例的完整源代碼。每一章都在前一章的基礎上構建,讓讀者立即感受到進步的感覺。每一段程式碼都有解釋,3D 網頁開發的概念也以圖示方式詳細說明。


這本書是為對 3D 網頁開發感興趣的 JavaScript 開發者而寫的。對 DOM 物件模型和 jQuery 函式庫的基本理解是理想的,但不是必需的。不需要具備先前的 WebGL 知識。