Unity Game Optimization, 3/e (Paperback) (Unity 遊戲優化(第三版))

Aversa, Davide, Dickinson, Chris




Unity engine comes with a great set of features to help you build high-performance games. This Unity book is your guide to optimizing various aspects of your game development, from game characters and scripts, right through to animations.

You’ll explore techniques for writing better game scripts and learn how to optimize a game using Unity technologies such as ECS and the Burst compiler. The book will also help you manage third-party tooling used with the Unity ecosystem. You’ll also focus on the problems in the performance of large games and virtual reality (VR) projects in Unity, gaining insights into detecting performance issues and performing root cause analysis. As you progress, you’ll discover best practices for your Unity C# script code and get to grips with usage patterns. Later, you’ll be able to optimize audio resources and texture files, along with effectively storing and using resource files. You’ll then delve into the Rendering Pipeline and learn how to identify performance problems in the pipeline. In addition to this, you’ll learn how to optimize the memory and processing unit of Unity. Finally, you’ll cover tips and tricks used by Unity professionals to improve the project workflow.

By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to build interactive games using Unity and its components.



您將探索撰寫更好遊戲腳本的技巧,並學習如何使用Unity技術(如ECS和Burst編譯器)優化遊戲。本書還將幫助您管理與Unity生態系統一起使用的第三方工具。您還將關注Unity中大型遊戲和虛擬現實(VR)項目的性能問題,獲得檢測性能問題和進行根本原因分析的見解。隨著進展,您將發現Unity C#腳本代碼的最佳實踐,並掌握使用模式。隨後,您將能夠優化音頻資源和紋理文件,以及有效地存儲和使用資源文件。然後,您將深入研究渲染管線,並學習如何識別管線中的性能問題。除此之外,您還將學習如何優化Unity的內存和處理單元。最後,您將涵蓋Unity專業人士用於改進項目工作流程的技巧和訣竅。
