ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9: Full stack web development with .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9, 3/e (Paperback)
暫譯: ASP.NET Core 3 與 Angular 9:使用 .NET Core 3.1 和 Angular 9 的全端網頁開發,第 3 版(平裝本)
Valerio De Sanctis
- 出版商: Packt Publishing
- 出版日期: 2020-02-14
- 定價: $1,650
- 售價: 6.0 折 $990
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 732
- ISBN: 1789612160
- ISBN-13: 9781789612165
ASP.NET Core 3 全棧 Web 開發 : 使用 .NET Core 3.1 和 Angular 9 (第三版) (簡中版)
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Learning full stack development calls for knowledge of both frontend and backend web development. By covering the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9, right from project setup through to the deployment phase, this book will help you to develop your skills effectively.
The book will get you started with using the .NET Core framework and Web API Controllers to implement API calls and server-side routing in the backend. Next, you will learn to build a data model with Entity Framework Core and configure it using either a local SQL Server instance or cloud-based data stores such as Microsoft Azure. The book will also help you handle user input with Angular reactive forms and frontend and backend validators for maximum effect. You will later explore the advanced debugging and unit testing features provided by (.NET Core) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular. Finally, you will implement various authentication and authorization techniques with the ASP.NET Core Identity system and the new IdentityServer, as well as deploy your apps on Windows and Linux servers using IIS, Kestrel, and Nginx.
By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to create efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular.
學習全端開發需要了解前端和後端的網頁開發。這本書將涵蓋 ASP.NET Core 3.1 和 Angular 9 的強大功能,從專案設置到部署階段,幫助您有效地提升技能。
本書將引導您開始使用 .NET Core 框架和 Web API 控制器來實現 API 調用和後端的伺服器端路由。接下來,您將學習如何使用 Entity Framework Core 建立數據模型,並使用本地 SQL Server 實例或雲端數據存儲(如 Microsoft Azure)進行配置。本書還將幫助您使用 Angular 的反應式表單和前端及後端驗證器來處理用戶輸入,以達到最佳效果。之後,您將探索 (.NET Core) 和 Jasmine 提供的高級除錯和單元測試功能,以及 Angular 的 Karma。最後,您將使用 ASP.NET Core Identity 系統和新的 IdentityServer 實現各種身份驗證和授權技術,並使用 IIS、Kestrel 和 Nginx 在 Windows 和 Linux 伺服器上部署您的應用程式。
在本書結束時,您將具備使用 ASP.NET Core 和 Angular 創建高效網頁應用程式所需的技能。
Valerio De Sanctis is a skilled IT professional with 20 years of experience in lead programming, web-based development, and project management using ASP.NET, PHP, Java, and JavaScript-based frameworks. He held senior positions at a range of financial and insurance companies, most recently serving as Chief Technology and Security Officer at a leading IT service provider for top-tier insurance groups. He's an active member of the Stack Exchange Network, providing advice and tips on the StackOverflow, ServerFault, and SuperUser communities; he’s also a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Developer Technologies. He's the founder and owner of Ryadel and author of many best-selling books on back-end and front-end web development.
Valerio De Sanctis 是一位技術精湛的 IT 專業人士,擁有 20 年的經驗,專注於主導程式設計、基於網頁的開發以及使用 ASP.NET、PHP、Java 和 JavaScript 框架的專案管理。他曾在多家金融和保險公司擔任高級職位,最近擔任一家領先 IT 服務提供商的首席技術與安全官,該公司服務於頂級保險集團。他是 Stack Exchange Network 的活躍成員,為 StackOverflow、ServerFault 和 SuperUser 社群提供建議和技巧;他也是微軟開發技術的最有價值專家 (MVP)。他是 Ryadel 的創辦人和擁有者,並且是多本關於後端和前端網頁開發的暢銷書作者。
- Getting Ready
- Looking Around
- Front-end and Back-end Interactions
- Data Model with Entity Framework Core
- Fetching and Displaying Data
- Forms and Data Validation
- Code Tweaks and Data Services
- Back-end and Front-end Debugging
- ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing
- Authentication and Authorization
- Progressive Web Apps
- Windows and Linux Deployment
- Getting Ready
- Looking Around
- Front-end and Back-end Interactions
- Data Model with Entity Framework Core
- Fetching and Displaying Data
- Forms and Data Validation
- Code Tweaks and Data Services
- Back-end and Front-end Debugging
- ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing
- Authentication and Authorization
- Progressive Web Apps
- Windows and Linux Deployment