ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular : Full-stack web development with .NET 5 and Angular 11, 4/e (Paperback)

Sanctis, Valerio De




Build a simple, yet fully functional modern web application using .NET 5, Entity Framework Core, and Angular 11


Key Features

  • Comprehensively updated with the latest features and additions in ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular 11
  • Design, build, and deploy a Single Page Application or Progressive Web App with ASP.NET Core and Angular
  • Adopt a full stack approach to handle data management, Web APIs, application design, testing, SEO, security, and deployment


Book Description

Learning full-stack development calls for knowledge of both front-end and back-end web development. ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular will get you started with Angular to build robust web applications as well as the .NET 5 and Web API Controllers to implement API calls and server-side routing in the backend. This fully revised edition includes side-by-side comparison of the Visual Studio Angular App vs NG App and coverage of the Angular Routing Module.


You will learn to build a data model with Entity Framework Core, alongside utilizing the Entity Core Fluent API and Entity Type Configuration class. As you progress, you will learn to handle user input with Angular reactive forms and frontend and backend validators for maximum effect. You will later explore the advanced debugging and unit testing features provided by (.NET 5) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular.


Further, you will dive deep into progressive web applications (PWAs), learning their technical requirements, testing, and converting SWAs to PWAs. Finally, you will learn to deploy apps on Windows, Linux, and Azure using IIS, Kestrel, and Nginx.


By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to create, debug, and deploy efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular.


What You Will Learn

  • Implement a Web API interface with ASP.NET Core and consume it with Angular using RxJS Observables
  • Set up an SQL database server using a local instance or a cloud data store
  • Perform C# and TypeScript debugging using Visual Studio 2019
  • Create TDD and BDD unit tests using xUnit, Jasmine, and Karma
  • Explore EF Core Fluent API and EntityTypeConfiguration classes
  • Perform DBMS structured logging using third-party providers such as SeriLog
  • Deploy the Web Application to Windows and Linux web servers, or to cloud-based PaaS solutions


Who this book is for

This book is for experienced ASP.NET developers who already possess some experience with ASP.NET Core and Angular and are looking to learn how to use them together to create production-ready Single Page Applications (SPAs) or Progressive Web Applications (PWAs).

However, the fully documented code samples (also available on GitHub) and the step-by-step implementation tutorials make this book easy-to-understand - even for beginners.

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