Python Machine Learning for Beginners: Learning from scratch NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikitlearn, and TensorFlow for Machine Learning and
暫譯: 初學者的 Python 機器學習:從零開始學習 NumPy、Pandas、Matplotlib、Seaborn、Scikit-learn 和 TensorFlow 進行機器學習
Publishing, Ai
- 出版商: AI Publishing LLC
- 出版日期: 2020-10-23
- 售價: $1,190
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $1,131
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 302
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 1734790156
- ISBN-13: 9781734790153
Python、程式語言、Scratch、DeepLearning、TensorFlow、Machine Learning
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Python Machine Learning for Beginners presents you with a hands-on approach to learn ML fast.How Is This Book Different?AI Publishing strongly believes in learning by doing methodology. With this in mind, we have crafted this book with care. You will find that the emphasis on the theoretical aspects of machine learning is equal to the emphasis on the practical aspects of the subject matter.You'll learn about data analysis and visualization in great detail in the first half of the book. Then, in the second half, you'll learn about machine learning and statistical models for data science.Each chapter presents you with the theoretical framework behind the different data science and machine learning techniques, and practical examples illustrate the working of these techniques.When you buy this book, your learning journey becomes so much easier. The reason is you get instant access to all the related learning material presented with this book--references, PDFs, Python codes, and exercises--on the publisher's website. All this material is available to you at no extra cost. You can download the ML datasets used in this book at runtime, or you can access them via the Resources/Datasets folder.You'll also find the short course on Python programming in the second chapter immensely useful, especially if you are new to Python. Since this book gives you access to all the Python codes and datasets, you only need access to a computer with the internet to get started. The topics covered include:
- Introduction and Environment Setup
- Python Crash Course
- Python NumPy Library for Data Analysis
- Introduction to Pandas Library for Data Analysis
- Data Visualization via Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Pandas Libraries
- Solving Regression Problems in ML Using Sklearn Library
- Solving Classification Problems in ML Using Sklearn Library
- Data Clustering with ML Using Sklearn Library
- Deep Learning with Python TensorFlow 2.0
- Dimensionality Reduction with PCA and LDA Using Sklearn
《Python 機器學習入門》
機器學習(Machine Learning, ML)和人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)將持續存在。沒錯,這是事實。根據大量的數據和證據,顯然 ML 和 AI 將成為未來的重要組成部分。
考慮當今的任何行業。機器學習的實際應用正在驅動商業成果。無論是醫療保健、電子商務、政府、交通運輸、社交媒體、金融服務、製造業、石油和天然氣、行銷與銷售,應有盡有。這份清單還在繼續。毫無疑問,ML 將在未來的每個領域中發揮決定性作用。
《Python 機器學習入門》為您提供了一種動手學習機器學習的快速方法。
這本書有什麼不同之處?AI Publishing 堅信「通過實踐學習」(learning by doing)的方法論。考慮到這一點,我們精心編寫了這本書。您會發現,機器學習的理論方面與實踐方面的重視程度是相等的。
當您購買這本書時,您的學習之旅將變得更加輕鬆。原因在於,您可以立即訪問與本書相關的所有學習材料——參考資料、PDF、Python 代碼和練習——這些都可以在出版商的網站上獲得。所有這些材料對您來說都是免費的。您可以在運行時下載本書中使用的 ML 數據集,或者通過《Resources/Datasets》資料夾訪問它們。
您還會發現在第二章中有關 Python 程式設計的短課程非常有用,特別是如果您是 Python 新手。由於這本書提供了所有的 Python 代碼和數據集,您只需一台能上網的電腦即可開始學習。涵蓋的主題包括:
- 介紹與環境設置
- Python 快速入門
- 用於數據分析的 Python NumPy 庫
- 用於數據分析的 Pandas 庫介紹
- 通過 Matplotlib、Seaborn 和 Pandas 庫進行數據可視化
- 使用 Sklearn 庫解決機器學習中的回歸問題
- 使用 Sklearn 庫解決機器學習中的分類問題
- 使用 Sklearn 庫進行數據聚類
- 使用 Python TensorFlow 2.0 進行深度學習
- 使用 Sklearn 進行 PCA 和 LDA 的降維