AI Supremacy: Winning in the Era of Machine Learning
暫譯: 人工智慧霸權:在機器學習時代的勝利之道
Mr. Daniel Wagner, Keith Furst
- 出版商: W. W. Norton
- 出版日期: 2018-09-08
- 售價: $1,020
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $969
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 524
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1722113960
- ISBN-13: 9781722113964
人工智慧、Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having a profound impact on individuals, businesses, and governments, but what is required to get ahead and stay ahead of the curve AI is not well understood. AI Supremacy is a comprehensive guide to AI's impact on a societal and global level, and provides a vision for how AI and machine learning will likely influence the way business is done, societies function, and governments interact in the future. Daniel Wagner, a thought leader in risk management and current affairs, and Keith Furst, an expert in data management and financial crimes, have crafted an insightful, entertaining, and unique book that takes readers on a wild ride through the canyons and valleys of AI to examine many of its most important sub-topics. From globalization to jobs, financial services to the role of governments, the nexus with cyber risk to spying, and from China's quest to international relations, the authors have delved deeply into the subject matter. The race for AI supremacy is about more than establishing a competitive position in the global marketplace for innovative applications and technological prowess - it is about anticipation, adopting the right mind set, and having the right resources, a futuristic orientation, and the ability to execute. While few organizations and governments have achieved the right mix to lead in the race for AI supremacy, those that have already possess a substantial lead. Those that have not are simply falling further and further behind. Can those that are not already in the race, get in the race with any realistic hope of catching up? Can those who are already in the race ever catch up with the leaders? Who will win in the end? Should AI be feared or embraced? These are among the many questions Wagner and Furst explore in this enticing book. Learn more at:
人工智慧(AI)對個人、企業和政府產生了深遠的影響,但要在這個領域中領先並保持優勢所需的條件並不明確。《AI 優勢》是一本全面探討 AI 在社會和全球層面影響的指南,並提供了對未來 AI 和機器學習將如何影響商業運作、社會運行和政府互動的願景。風險管理和時事的思想領袖丹尼爾·瓦格納(Daniel Wagner)以及數據管理和金融犯罪專家基思·弗斯特(Keith Furst)共同創作了這本富有洞察力、娛樂性和獨特性的書籍,帶領讀者深入探索 AI 的各個重要子主題,從全球化到就業、金融服務到政府角色、與網絡風險的關聯到間諜活動,以及中國的追求到國際關係,作者對這些主題進行了深入的探討。爭奪 AI 優勢不僅僅是為了在全球市場中建立創新應用和技術實力的競爭地位——它還關乎預見、採取正確的心態、擁有合適的資源、未來導向和執行能力。雖然只有少數組織和政府達成了在 AI 優勢競賽中領先所需的正確組合,但那些已經領先的組織擁有相當大的優勢。而那些尚未參賽的則只會越來越落後。那些尚未參賽的人能否以任何現實的希望進入競賽並追趕上來?已經參賽的人能否追上領先者?最終誰將獲勝?我們應該害怕 AI 還是擁抱它?這些都是瓦格納和弗斯特在這本引人入勝的書中探討的眾多問題之一。欲了解更多資訊,請訪問。