Write Great Code, Volume 1 : Understanding the Machine, 2/e (Paperback)

Hyde, Randall



Understanding the Machine, the first volume in the landmark Write Great Code series by Randall Hyde, explains the underlying mechanics of how a computer works.

Like the highly regarded first edition, this second edition of Understanding the Machine covers machine organization and computer science topics like the CPU, machine architecture, memory and cache organization, I/O and peripheral devices, and how the decoding and execution of machine instructions affects software performance. This edition has been updated to cover 64-bit machines, newer peripheral devices, larger memory systems, large-scale SSDs, and newer CPUs like those used in personal computers and tablets.


Randall Hyde is the creator of the Lisa assembler for Apple II and developer of the High Level Assembly Language (HSA). He is the author of The Art of Assembly Language, one of the most highly recommended resources on assembly since 1996, and the Write Great Code series. He has written for Dr. Dobb's Journal, Byte, and the Association for Computing Machinery's Ubiquity magazine.