Multithreaded JavaScript: Concurrency Beyond the Event Loop

Hunter, II Thomas, English, Bryan




Until recently, JavaScript concurrency was achieved by splitting up tasks and scheduling them. But thanks to language advancements such as web workers in the browser, JavaScript is now a multithreaded language. What does that mean for you? In this practical book, authors Thomas Hunter II and Bryan English explain JavaScript threads as a programming concept and tool.

Not every problem needs to be solved with threads, but having this tool in your toolbox will help you arrive at the most appropriate solution. This book explores various features that JavaScript runtimes have at their disposal for implementing multithreaded programs. By exploring practical real-world examples, you'll discover when to use threads and when not to.

  • Learn what multithreaded programming is and how you can benefit from it
  • Understand the differences between a web worker, a service worker, and a worker thread
  • Know when and when not to use threads in an application
  • Orchestrate communication between threads by leveraging the Atomics object
  • Build high-performance applications using the knowledge you gain from this book
  • Benchmark performance to learn if you'll benefit from multithreading


直到最近,JavaScript的並發性是通過拆分任務並安排它們來實現的。但由於語言的進步,例如瀏覽器中的Web Workers,JavaScript現在是一種多線程語言。這對你意味著什麼?在這本實用的書中,作者Thomas Hunter II和Bryan English解釋了JavaScript線程作為一個編程概念和工具。


  • 了解多線程編程是什麼,以及你如何從中受益

  • 理解Web Worker、Service Worker和Worker Thread之間的區別

  • 了解何時以及何時不在應用程序中使用線程

  • 通過利用原子對象協調線程之間的通信

  • 利用從本書中獲得的知識構建高性能應用程序

  • 通過性能基準測試來了解是否從多線程中受益


Thomas Hunter II has contributed to dozens of enterprise Node.js services and has worked for a company dedicated to securing Node.js. He has spoken at several conferences on Node.js and JavaScript, is JSNSD/JSNAD certified, and is an organizer of NodeSchool SF. Thomas has published four books including Distributed Systems with Node.js by O'Reilly.

Bryan is an open source JavaScript and Rust programmer and enthusiast and has worked on large enterprise systems, instrumentation, and application security. Currently he's a Senior Open Source Software engineer at Datadog. He's used Node.js both professionally and in personal projects since not long after its inception. He is also a Node.js core collaborator and has contributed to Node.js in many ways through several of its various Working Groups.


Thomas Hunter II曾經為許多企業的Node.js服務做出貢獻,並曾在一家致力於保護Node.js的公司工作。他曾在幾個Node.js和JavaScript的會議上發表演講,並且擁有JSNSD/JSNAD認證,同時也是NodeSchool SF的組織者。Thomas已經出版了四本書,其中包括O'Reilly出版的《使用Node.js的分散式系統》。
