Take My Money: Accepting Payments on the Web
暫譯: 收下我的錢:網路支付的實現

Noel Rappin



Getting paid using Stripe or PayPal is only the beginning of creating a fully-functional e-commerce application. You also need to handle failure cases, inventory management, administration, security, reporting, and be compliant with legal issues. Manage one-time transactions and recurring subscriptions, handle inventory management, issue discounts and refunds, mitigate administration and compliance issues, and test your code to ensure your customers have a smooth, hassle-free experience.

An e-commerce payment application is literally rewarding to build--you can see the return on investment as genuine money is added to your account. But it can be stressful to manage, with security and compliance concerns and administration issues. And your entire business may depend on these features working smoothly.

Let Noel Rappin guide you through the setup and complications of dealing with online financial transactions.

Go beyond just the interaction with the gateway service and build an application that will be robust and useful over time. Set up a Stripe and PayPal payment gateway and accept credit card payments. Use the Stripe API to improve security by validating credit card data without sending it through your own server. Design your application for maximum flexibility against the inevitable complexities of business logic, including handling discounts. Manage the multiple failure points of dealing with payment gateways and test for failure cases. Use background jobs to simplify third-party interactions. Handle administrative tasks such as issuing refunds and discounts while maintaining data integrity and security. Create subscription plans and manage recurring payments, and stay on top of legal issues regarding taxes, reporting, and compliance. Pay affiliates or contributors from your application.

By the end, you will know how to create a fully-functional web payment-taking machine.

What You Need:

The code in this book works with Ruby 2.3.1 and Rails 5, though nearly all of the code will run with earlier versions of Ruby and Rails.


獲得使用 Stripe 或 PayPal 的付款僅僅是建立一個功能完整的電子商務應用程式的開始。您還需要處理失敗案例、庫存管理、管理、安保、報告,並遵守法律問題。管理一次性交易和定期訂閱,處理庫存管理,發放折扣和退款,減輕管理和合規問題,並測試您的代碼以確保您的客戶擁有順暢、無憂的體驗。


讓 Noel Rappin 指導您設置和處理在線金融交易的複雜性。

超越僅僅與網關服務的互動,建立一個隨著時間推移而穩健且有用的應用程式。設置 Stripe 和 PayPal 支付網關並接受信用卡付款。使用 Stripe API 來提高安全性,通過驗證信用卡數據而不將其發送到您自己的伺服器。設計您的應用程式以最大限度地靈活應對商業邏輯的不可避免複雜性,包括處理折扣。管理處理支付網關的多個失敗點並測試失敗案例。使用背景作業來簡化第三方互動。處理管理任務,例如發放退款和折扣,同時保持數據的完整性和安全性。創建訂閱計劃並管理定期付款,並隨時掌握有關稅務、報告和合規的法律問題。從您的應用程式中支付給聯盟或貢獻者。



本書中的代碼適用於 Ruby 2.3.1 和 Rails 5,雖然幾乎所有代碼都可以在早期版本的 Ruby 和 Rails 上運行。

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