Object-Oriented Software Design in C++
暫譯: C++ 物件導向軟體設計

Mak, Ronald

  • 出版商: Manning
  • 出版日期: 2024-06-18
  • 定價: $1,980
  • 售價: 8.8$1,742 (限時優惠至 2025-03-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 520
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 163343950X
  • ISBN-13: 9781633439504
  • 相關分類: C++ 程式語言Object-oriented
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 4)



Well-designed applications run more efficiently, have fewer bugs, and are easier to revise and maintain. Learn the fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design by investigating good-and bad-code.

Using an engaging "before-and-after" approach, Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ shows you exactly what bad software looks like and how to fix it with good design principles and patterns. In it, you'll find:

  • Design-code-test iterations that improve code with each revision
  • Gathering requirements to make sure you're developing the right application
  • Design principles like encapsulation and delegation that solve programming problems
  • Design patterns including Observer Design Pattern that fix architecture issues
  • Using recursion and multithreading to simplify common solutions

Author, former NASA software engineer, and San Jose State University programming instructor Ronald Mak has written Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ as a masterclass for improving object-oriented programming skills. You'll learn how to build the kind of high performance applications delivered by the pros, all using industry-proven design principles and patterns. The book's accessible examples are written in C++ 17, but its universal principles can be applied to any object-oriented language.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the book

Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ is packed with 'before' program examples that show what not to do, followed by 'after' versions built with the benefits of good design. Each chapter is full of mentorship-style conversations that anticipate questions and help point out subtleties you might have missed. You'll learn how to gather and analyze requirements so you're building exactly what your client is looking for, discover how to utilize iterative development to backtrack mistakes, and revise your code to be as good as it can be.

As you go, you'll build a toolbox of design patterns and principles that help troubleshoot common issues with application architecture. You'll soon be delivering software you can be proud of--and that employers will pay top rates for you to build.

About the reader

For beginning or intermediate C++ programmers looking to improve the way they code and build software. Examples are in C++ 17.

About the author

Ronald Mak is a highly rated instructor in object-oriented analysis and design at San Jose State University. His career has included roles as a senior computer scientist at NASA and JPL, where he contributed to major missions like Mars rovers and the Orion spacecraft. Ronald's expertise spans research at IBM, enterprise software strategy at Lawrence Livermore Lab, and senior roles at Apple and Sun Microsystems. He holds degrees in mathematical sciences and computer science from Stanford University, and has 12 software patents. Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ is his sixth book.



本書 Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ 採用引人入勝的「前後對比」方法,清楚展示劣質軟體的樣貌,以及如何運用良好的設計原則和模式來修正它。在書中,您將會發現:

  • 設計-程式碼-測試的迭代過程,隨著每次修訂改善程式碼
  • 收集需求以確保您正在開發正確的應用程式
  • 如封裝和委派等設計原則,解決程式設計問題
  • 包括觀察者設計模式在內的設計模式,修正架構問題
  • 使用遞迴和多執行緒簡化常見解決方案

作者、前NASA軟體工程師及聖荷西州立大學程式設計講師Ronald Mak撰寫了 Object-Oriented Software Design in C++,作為提升物件導向程式設計技能的大師班。您將學會如何構建專業人士所交付的高效能應用程式,全部使用業界驗證的設計原則和模式。本書的範例以C++ 17編寫,但其普遍原則可應用於任何物件導向語言。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得Manning Publications提供的免費PDF和ePub格式電子書。


Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ 充滿了「前」的程式範例,展示了不應該做的事情,接著是利用良好設計的優勢所構建的「後」版本。每一章都充滿了導師式的對話,預測問題並幫助指出您可能錯過的細微之處。您將學會如何收集和分析需求,以便精確構建客戶所需的內容,發現如何利用迭代開發來回溯錯誤,並修訂您的程式碼,使其達到最佳狀態。



本書適合希望改善程式碼和軟體建構方式的初學者或中級C++程式設計師。範例使用C++ 17。


Ronald Mak 是聖荷西州立大學物件導向分析與設計的高評價講師。他的職業生涯包括在NASA和JPL擔任高級計算機科學家的角色,參與了火星探測器和獵鷹號太空船等重大任務。Ronald的專業涵蓋IBM的研究、洛倫斯利弗莫爾國家實驗室的企業軟體策略,以及在Apple和Sun Microsystems的高級職位。他擁有斯坦福大學的數學科學和計算機科學學位,並擁有12項軟體專利。Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ 是他的第六本書。


Ronald Mak is a highly rated instructor in object-oriented analysis and design at San Jose State University. His career has included roles as a senior computer scientist at NASA and JPL, where he contributed to major missions like Mars rovers and the Orion spacecraft. Ronald's expertise spans research at IBM, enterprise software strategy at Lawrence Livermore Lab, and senior roles at Apple and Sun Microsystems. He holds degrees in mathematical sciences and computer science from Stanford University, and has 12 software patents. Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ is his sixth book.


羅納德·麥克 是聖荷西州立大學物件導向分析與設計的高評價講師。他的職業生涯包括在NASA和JPL擔任資深計算機科學家的角色,並為火星探測車和獵戶座太空船等重大任務做出貢獻。羅納德的專業領域涵蓋IBM的研究、洛倫斯利弗莫爾國家實驗室的企業軟體策略,以及在Apple和Sun Microsystems的高級職位。他擁有史丹佛大學的數學科學和計算機科學學位,並擁有12項軟體專利。《C++中的物件導向軟體設計》是他的第六本書。