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Creativity is essential to being a successful programmer. The stories, examples, and groundbreaking research in this book will help you unleash your creative potential!
In The Creative Programmer you'll learn the processes and habits of successful creative individuals and discover how you can build creativity into your programming practice. This fascinating new book introduces the seven domains of creative problem solving and teaches practical techniques that apply those principles to software development.
Hand-drawn illustrations, reflective thought experiments, and brain-tickling example problems help you get your creative juices flowing. You'll soon be thinking up new and novel ways to tackle the big challenges of your projects.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
購買印刷版書籍可獲得Manning Publications提供的免費電子書,格式包括PDF、Kindle和ePub。
Wouter Groeneveld is a software engineer and computer science education researcher. Wouter was an enterprise software engineer for 11 years with a passion for teaching, coaching, and onboarding. Now, Wouter works at KU Leuven, where he researches and writes about non-technical skills and the importance of creativity in software engineering.
Wouter Groeneveld 是一位軟體工程師及計算機科學教育研究者。Wouter 曾擔任企業軟體工程師 11 年,對教學、輔導和入職培訓充滿熱情。現在,Wouter 在 KU Leuven 工作,研究並撰寫有關非技術技能及創造力在軟體工程中重要性的內容。