Tech Startup Toolkit: How to Launch Strong and Exit Big

Rosenberg, Jothy

  • 出版商: Manning
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-20
  • 售價: $1,540
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,463
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 312
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1633438422
  • ISBN-13: 9781633438422
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Essential advice for anyone aspiring to start up a technology company, based on decades of business experience.

In Tech Startup Toolkit, you'll discover the good, the bad, and the ugly of succeeding with a tech startup. Author Jothy Rosenberg reveals the insights he's learned from an entrepreneurial career that's seen both $100 million sales, dramatic failures, and everything in between.

Tech Startup Toolkit gives you concrete, actionable advice on how to:

- Succeed as a first-time CEO
- Pitch and raise money from various types of investors
- Develop a go-to-market strategy
- Create a strong positive culture
- Understand what makes a VC tick
- Write an elevator pitch
- Understand investment deal terms
- Hone and align teams
- Effectively downsize or wind down a company
- Position a company to be acquired

In Tech Startup Toolkit Jothy tells stories from his incredible career that will give guidance and inspiration to anyone who's ever thought of creating or running a company. Every personal story teaches a vital lesson for any would-be startup founder, ensuring you avoid the pitfalls that end less-prepared companies.

Foreword by Vivjan Myrto.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the technology

Why do eight out of ten tech startups fail? Is it inevitable? In Tech Startup Toolkit, nine-time tech startup founder Jothy Rosenberg tells you how to beat the odds. Part memoir and part survival guide, this book delivers battle-tested, unvarnished advice on capital, culture, boards, marketing, and management.

About the book

Tech Startup Toolkit covers everything a new founder needs to ensure a great idea can become a stable tech company that's ripe for acquisition. In 31 short anecdotes from Jothy's extensive experience, you'll learn how to pitch investors, develop a go-to-market strategy, and build the leadership skills that really matter for a great startup CEO. And since forewarned is forearmed, you'll also find strategies to handle challenges like funding loss, competition, and unpredictable crises like Covid-19 that break lesser startups.

What's inside

- Succeed as a first-time CEO
- Create a strong positive culture
- Understand what makes a VC tick
- Position a company to be acquired

About the reader

For prospective founders, early-stage teams, and anyone interested in tech entrepreneurship.

About the author

Jothy Rosenberg has been an incorrigible entrepreneur since 1988. Formerly the VP of Borland's developer division, Jothy has founded and run nine technology startups, two of which had $100 million exits.

Table of Contents

1 Scratching the startup itch: How I became an incorrigible entrepreneur
2 What makes you think you are CEO material?
3 A venture-backed turnaround: A dangerous place to be
4 The founding team. Who's in and who's not?
5 Friends and family, angels, venture capital, or strategic?
6 Angels: Your bridge financing solution
7 The art of pitching to institutional investors
8 Investors aren't your friends
9 Understand the VC business model. Raise money faster
10 Seed: The first priced round
11 Term sheets: An institutional investor wants to invest in you
12 Due Diligence: An exam you must pass
13 Your business model. The beating heart of your business
14 Getting to a minimum viable product with lighthouse customers
15 Product-Market Fit. Making sure the dogs will eat your dog food
16 Go-to-Market: How to make your business viable and grow
17 A formal business plan in ten steps
18 Burn rate and runway--or where is the edge of that cliff?
19 Achieving cash-flow positive: A startup's Holy Grail
20 Your startup's valuation: Up, up, up (hopefully)
21 Hire slowly--and correctly
22 Beyond foosball: Crafting a positive culture that retains your team
23 Does a startup need both a CEO and COO?
24 Marketing: Too often a startup's afterthought
25 The right character for sales leader--and when to hire them
26 Startup boards: The good, (and how to prevent) the bad, and the ugly
27 Board observers: Observe only please
28 Investor communications. They needn't be cod liver oil
29 Heaven forbid if you must downsize
30 Heaven forbid if you must wind it up
31 Acquisition: Your financial dream come true



在《Tech Startup Toolkit》中,您將發現成功創辦科技公司的好、壞與醜。作者 Jothy Rosenberg 揭示了他從創業生涯中學到的見解,這段生涯經歷了 1 億美元的銷售、劇烈的失敗以及介於兩者之間的所有事情。

《Tech Startup Toolkit》為您提供具體且可行的建議,幫助您:
- 成為首次擔任 CEO 的成功者
- 向各類投資者推銷並籌集資金
- 制定市場進入策略
- 創造強大的正向文化
- 理解風險投資者的運作
- 撰寫電梯簡報
- 理解投資交易條款
- 磨練並調整團隊
- 有效裁員或結束公司運營
- 使公司具備被收購的條件

在《Tech Startup Toolkit》中,Jothy 分享了他驚人的職業生涯故事,這些故事將為任何曾經考慮創建或經營公司的人的提供指導和靈感。每個個人故事都教會了潛在創業者一個重要的教訓,確保您避免那些讓準備不足的公司陷入困境的陷阱。

前言由 Vivjan Myrto 撰寫。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費 PDF 和 ePub 格式電子書。


為什麼八成的科技創業公司會失敗?這是不可避免的嗎?在《Tech Startup Toolkit》中,九次創辦科技公司的 Jothy Rosenberg 告訴您如何打破這個魔咒。這本書部分是回憶錄,部分是生存指南,提供經過實戰考驗的、真實無華的建議,涵蓋資本、文化、董事會、市場行銷和管理。


《Tech Startup Toolkit》涵蓋了新創辦人所需的一切,以確保一個偉大的想法能夠轉變為一個穩定的科技公司,並具備被收購的潛力。在 Jothy 的 31 個短小故事中,您將學會如何向投資者推銷、制定市場進入策略,以及建立對於優秀創業 CEO 來說真正重要的領導技能。由於未雨綢繆,您還將找到應對資金損失、競爭以及像 Covid-19 這樣的不可預測危機的策略,這些危機會摧毀較弱的創業公司。


- 成為首次擔任 CEO 的成功者
- 創造強大的正向文化
- 理解風險投資者的運作
- 使公司具備被收購的條件




Jothy Rosenberg 自 1988 年以來一直是一位無法矯正的企業家。曾任 Borland 開發部門副總裁,Jothy 創辦並經營了九家科技創業公司,其中兩家實現了 1 億美元的退出。


1. 抓住創業的癢:我如何成為一名無法矯正的企業家
2. 你為什麼認為自己是 CEO 材料?
3. 風險投資支持的轉型:一個危險的地方
4. 創始團隊:誰在裡面,誰不在裡面?

5. 朋友和家人、天使投資者、風險資本或戰略投資?
6. 天使投資者:你的橋接融資解決方案
7. 向機構投資者推銷的藝術
8. 投資者不是你的朋友
9. 理解風險投資的商業模式。更快地籌集資金
10. 種子輪:第一輪定價
11. 條款清單:機構投資者想要投資於你
12. 盡職調查:你必須通過的考試

13. 你的商業模式:你業務的核心
14. 與燈塔客戶達成最小可行產品
15. 產品市場契合:確保狗會吃你的狗食
16. 市場進入:如何使你的業務可行並成長
17. 十步制定正式商業計劃
18. 燒錢率和運行時間——或那懸崖的邊緣在哪裡?
19. 實現現金流正向:創業公司的聖杯
20. 你的創業公司的估值:U


Jothy Rosenberg has been an entrepreneur since 1988 and has founded and run nine technology startups--two of which had exits of over $100 million. He was the general manager of Borland's Developer Division from 1992 to 1997, where he led Borland's Languages division, including Delphi, C++Builder, and JBuilder. He has a PhD in computer science, and he has authored two technical books, a business book, a memoir, and a children's book. Jothy is the creator of the Who Says I Can't series on YouTube, and he established and runs the Who Says I Can't Foundation.


Jothy Rosenberg 自1988年以來一直是一位企業家,創立並經營了九家科技創業公司,其中兩家成功退出的估值超過1億美元。他於1992年至1997年間擔任 Borland 的開發者部門總經理,負責 Borland 的語言部門,包括 Delphi、C++Builder 和 JBuilder。他擁有計算機科學博士學位,並撰寫了兩本技術書籍、一部商業書籍、一部回憶錄和一本兒童書籍。Jothy 是 YouTube 上《Who Says I Can't》系列的創作者,並成立並運營了 Who Says I Can't 基金會。