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The last book on AI you'll ever need. We swear!
AI technology moves so fast that this book is probably already out of date! But don't worry--The Complete Obsolete Guide to Generative AI is still an essential read for anyone who wants to make generative AI into a tool rather than a toy. It shows you how to get the best out of AI no matter what changes come in the future. You'll be able to use common automation and scripting tools to take AI to a new level, and access raw (and powerful) GPT models via API.
Inside The Complete Obsolete Guide to Generative AI you will find:
- Just enough background info on AI! What an AI model is how it works
- Ways to create text, code, and images for your organization's needs
- Training AI models on your local data stores or on the internet
- Business intelligence and analytics uses for AI
- Building your own custom AI models
- Looking ahead to the future of generative AI
Where to get started? How about creating exciting images, video, and even audio with AI. Need more? Learn to harness AI to speed up any everyday work task, including writing boilerplate code, creating specialized documents, and analyzing your own data. Push beyond simple ChatGPT prompts! Discover ways to double your productivity and take on projects you never thought were possible! AI--and this book--are here to show you how.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the technology
Everything you learn about Generative AI tools like Chat-GPT, Copilot, and Claude becomes obsolete almost immediately. So how do you decide where to spend your time--and your company's money? This entertaining and unbelievably practical book shows you what you can (and should!) do with AI now and how to roll with the changes as they happen.
About the book
The Complete Obsolete Guide to Generative AI is a lighthearted introduction to Generative AI written for technology professionals and motivated AI enthusiasts. In it, you'll get a quick-paced survey of AI techniques for creating code, text, images, and presentations, working with data, and much more. As you explore the hands-on exercises, you'll build an intuition for how Generative AI can transform your daily work and communication--and maybe even learn how to make peace with your new robot overlords.
What's inside
- The big picture of Generative AI tools and tech
- Creating useful text, code, and images
- Writing effective prompts
- AI-driven data analytics
About the reader
Written for developers, admins, and other IT pros. Some examples use simple Python code.
About the author
David Clinton is an AWS Solutions Architect, a Linux server administrator and a world-renowned expert on obsolescence.
The technical editor on this book was Maris Sekar.
Table of Contents
1 Understanding generative AI basics
2 Managing generative AI
3 Creating text and code
4 Creating with media resources
5 Feeding data to your generative AI models
6 Prompt engineering: Optimizing your experience
7 Outperforming legacy research and learning tools
8 Understanding stuff better
9 Building and running your own large language model
10 How I learned to stop worrying and love the chaos
11 Experts weigh in on putting AI to work
A Important definitions and a brief history
B Generative AI resources
C Installing Python
- 足夠的人工智慧背景資訊!什麼是人工智慧模型,它是如何運作的
- 為你的組織需求創建文本、代碼和圖像的方法
- 在本地數據存儲或互聯網上訓練人工智慧模型
- 人工智慧在商業智能和分析中的應用
- 構建你自己的自定義人工智慧模型
- 展望生成式人工智慧的未來
購買印刷版書籍包括Manning Publications提供的免費PDF和ePub格式電子書。
- 生成式人工智慧工具和技術的全貌
- 創建有用的文本、代碼和圖像
- 編寫有效的提示
- 人工智慧驅動的數據分析
David Clinton是AWS解決方案架構師、Linux伺服器管理員以及全球知名的過時專家。
本書的技術編輯是Maris Sekar。
1 理解生成式人工智慧基礎
2 管理生成式人工智慧
3 創建文本和代碼
4 使用媒體資源創作
5 將數據輸入到你的生成式人工智慧模型中
6 提示工程:優化你的體驗
7 超越傳統研究和學習工具
8 更好地理解事物
9 構建和運行你自己的大型語言模型
10 我如何學會停止擔心並愛上混亂
11 專家對人工智慧應用的看法
A 重要定義和簡史
B 生成式人工智慧資源
C 安裝Python
David Clinton is an AWS Solutions Architect and a Linux server administrator. While he has authored two previous books for Manning (as well as books and video courses for other publishers), this is his finest work yet.