Inside Bluetooth Low Energy (Mobile Communications) 2nd ed. Edition (藍牙低能耗技術揭秘(行動通訊)第二版)

Naresh Gupta




This updated and expanded second edition of the Artech House bestseller, Inside Bluetooth Low Energy, presents the recent developments within the Bluetooth Core Specifications 4.1 and 4.2. This new edition explores both Internet of Things (IoT) and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) in one single flow and demonstrates how this technology is very well suited for IoT implementations. The book covers all the advances within the new specifications including Bluetooth LE enhanced power efficiency, faster connections, and enhanced privacy and security.Developed for ultra-low power devices, such as heart rate monitors, thermometers, and sensors, Bluetooth LE is one of the latest, most exciting enhancements to Bluetooth technology. This cutting-edge book presents an easy-to-understand, broad-based explanation of Bluetooth LE, its building blocks and how they all come together. Packed with examples and practical scenarios, the book helps readers rapidly gain a clear, solid understanding of Bluetooth LE in order to work more effectively with its specification. This book explores the architecture of the Bluetooth LE stack and functionality of its layers and includes a broad view of the technology, identifies the various building blocks, and explains how they come together. Readers will also find discussions on Bluetooth basics, providing the background information needed to master Bluetooth LE.


這本《Inside Bluetooth Low Energy》的第二版是Artech House暢銷書的更新和擴充版,介紹了Bluetooth Core Specifications 4.1和4.2的最新發展。這本新版書籍將物聯網(IoT)和藍牙低功耗(LE)結合在一起,展示了這項技術在物聯網實施中非常適用。書中涵蓋了新規範中的所有進展,包括藍牙LE增強的功耗效率、更快的連接速度以及增強的隱私和安全性。藍牙低功耗是針對心率監測器、溫度計和傳感器等超低功耗設備開發的,是藍牙技術的最新、最令人興奮的增強功能之一。這本尖端的書籍以易於理解的方式廣泛解釋了藍牙低功耗的基礎知識、構建模塊以及它們如何結合在一起。書中充滿了例子和實際場景,幫助讀者快速獲得對藍牙低功耗的清晰、扎實的理解,以便更有效地使用其規範。本書探討了藍牙低功耗堆棧的架構和各層的功能,並提供了對該技術的廣泛概述,確定了各種構建模塊,並解釋了它們如何結合在一起。讀者還將找到有關藍牙基礎知識的討論,提供了掌握藍牙低功耗所需的背景信息。