Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches
暫譯: 在一個月的午餐時間學習 Docker

Stoneman, Elton



Go from zero to production readiness with Docker in 22 bite-sized lessons Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches is an accessible task-focused guide to Docker on Linux, Windows, or Mac systems.

Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches is a developer-centric tutorial to using Docker in Linux, Windows, and Mac environments. You'll learn essential Docker techniques, including how to run your own and third-party apps in containers, use a Docker registry to share container images, and confidently deploy containerized apps to production.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.


透過 22 個簡短的課程,從零開始學習 Docker 以達到生產就緒狀態。Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches 是一本針對 Linux、Windows 或 Mac 系統的易於理解且以任務為導向的 Docker 指南。

Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches 是一本以開發者為中心的教程,教你如何在 Linux、Windows 和 Mac 環境中使用 Docker。你將學習到基本的 Docker 技術,包括如何在容器中運行自己的應用程式和第三方應用程式,使用 Docker registry 共享容器映像,以及自信地將容器化應用程式部署到生產環境中。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費電子書,格式包括 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub。


Elton Stoneman is an architect at Docker, a Microsoft MVP and a Pluralsight author. He has used Docker since the earliest releases and helped organizations at every stage in their container journey. He is a regular speaker and workshop instructor at conferences, and distils many years of using and teaching Docker into this book.


Elton Stoneman 是 Docker 的架構師,並且是微軟 MVP 及 Pluralsight 的作者。他自 Docker 最早的版本以來就開始使用,並在組織的容器旅程的每個階段提供協助。他是多個會議的常規演講者和工作坊講師,並將多年使用和教學 Docker 的經驗濃縮成這本書。