Fighting Churn with Data: The Science and Strategy of Customer Retention (Paperback)
暫譯: 用數據對抗流失:客戶留存的科學與策略 (平裝本)

Gold, Carl S.



This hands-on guide is packed with techniques for converting raw data into measurable metrics, testing hypotheses, and presenting findings that are easily understandable to non-technical decision makers.

The beating heart of any product or service business is returning clients. Don't let your hard-won customers vanish, taking their money with them. In Fighting Churn with Data you'll learn powerful data-driven techniques to maximize customer retention and minimize actions that cause them to stop engaging or unsubscribe altogether.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.



任何產品或服務業務的核心是回頭客。不要讓你辛苦獲得的客戶消失,帶走他們的金錢。在《Fighting Churn with Data》中,你將學習強大的數據驅動技術,以最大化客戶保留率並最小化導致他們停止參與或完全取消訂閱的行為。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得Manning Publications提供的免費電子書,格式包括PDF、Kindle和ePub。


Carl Gold is the Chief Data Scientist at Zuora, Inc, a comprehensive subscription management platform and newly public Silicon Valley "unicorn". Zuora is widely recognized in a leader in all things pertaining to subscription and recurring revenue, with 1,000 customers across a range of industries worldwide. Carl joined Zuora in 2015 and created the predictive analytics system for Zuora's subscriber analysis product, Zuora Insights.


Carl Gold 是 Zuora, Inc. 的首席數據科學家,Zuora 是一個全面的訂閱管理平台,也是新上市的矽谷「獨角獸」。Zuora 在訂閱和經常性收入相關領域被廣泛認可為領導者,擁有來自全球各行各業的 1,000 位客戶。Carl 於 2015 年加入 Zuora,並為 Zuora 的訂閱者分析產品 Zuora Insights 創建了預測分析系統。