Specification by Example: How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software (Paperback)
暫譯: 以範例規範:成功團隊如何交付正確的軟體 (平裝本)

Gojko Adzic




Specification by Example is a must read for anyone serious about delivering software that matters. In it, author Gojko Adzic shares the secrets of how teams all over the world specify, develop, test, and deliver the right software, without defects, in very short iterative delivery cycles. Based on dozens of interviews with successful teams worldwide, this brilliantly rich and informative book will change the way software developers work.

The theme tying the 50+ case studies together is 'specification by example', an emerging practice in which teams illustrate requirements with realistic examples that can be used as a target for development, as acceptance criteria for delivery, and as tests for future changes. This book helps readers understand how successful teams bridge the communication gap between stakeholders and development teams by implementing specification by example, agile acceptance testing, and behavior driven development.


《以範例規範》是任何對交付重要軟體認真者必讀的書籍。在這本書中,作者 Gojko Adzic 分享了全球各地團隊如何在非常短的迭代交付週期內,規範、開發、測試和交付正確且無缺陷的軟體的秘密。這本內容豐富且資訊量大的書籍,基於對全球成功團隊的數十次訪談,將改變軟體開發者的工作方式。

將 50 多個案例研究串聯在一起的主題是「以範例規範」,這是一種新興的實踐,團隊通過現實的範例來說明需求,這些範例可以作為開發的目標、交付的接受標準以及未來變更的測試。這本書幫助讀者理解成功團隊如何通過實施以範例規範、敏捷接受測試和行為驅動開發,來彌補利益相關者與開發團隊之間的溝通鴻溝。