$580$452 -
$320$250 -
$550$550 -
$450$356 -
$505軟件需求, 3/e (Software Requirements 3/e)
$580$458 -
$580$458 -
$380$342 -
$234$222 -
$790$616 -
$650$507 -
$229進化從孤膽極客到高效團隊 (Debugging Teams Better Productivity through Collaboration)
$352DevOps : 原理、方法與實踐
$281修改軟件的藝術 : 構建易維護代碼的 9條最佳實踐 (Beyond Legacy Code: Nine Practices to Extend the Life (and Value) of Your Software)
$720$569 -
$580$452 -
$1,560$1,482 -
$1,280$1,088 -
$680$578 -
$580$458 -
$720$562 -
$680$537 -
$450$356 -
Software is everywhere today, but countless software products and projects die a slow death without ever making any impact. The result is a tremendous amount of time and money wasted due to wrong assumptions, lack of focus, poor communication of objectives, lack of understanding and misalignment with overall goals. There has to be a better way to deliver! This handbook is a practical guide to impact mapping, a simple yet incredibly effective method for collaborative strategic planning that helps organisations make an impact with software. Impact mapping helps to create better plans and roadmaps that ensure alignment of business and delivery, and are easily adaptable to change. Impact mapping fits nicely into several current trends in software product management and release planning, including goal-oriented requirements engineering, frequent iterative delivery, agile and lean software methods, lean startup product development cycles, and design thinking. About the Author Gojko Adzic is a strategic software delivery consultant who works with ambitious teams to improve the quality of their software products and processes. Gojko won the 2012 Jolt Award for the best book, was voted by peers as the most influential agile testing professional in 2011, and his blog won the UK Agile Award for the best online publication in 2010.
軟體如今無所不在,但無數軟體產品和專案卻在沒有產生任何影響的情況下慢慢消亡。結果是因為錯誤的假設、缺乏專注、目標溝通不良、缺乏理解和與整體目標不一致,浪費了大量的時間和金錢。必須有更好的方法來交付!本手冊是一本實用指南,介紹了影響地圖(impact mapping)這種協作戰略規劃的簡單而極其有效的方法,幫助組織通過軟體產生影響。影響地圖有助於創建更好的計劃和路線圖,確保業務和交付的一致性,並且易於適應變化。影響地圖與當前軟體產品管理和發布計劃的幾個趨勢相契合,包括以目標為導向的需求工程、頻繁的迭代交付、敏捷和精益軟體方法、精益創業產品開發週期和設計思維。作者介紹 Gojko Adzic 是一位戰略軟體交付顧問,與有抱負的團隊合作,改善他們的軟體產品和流程的品質。Gojko 在 2012 年獲得了 Jolt 獎的最佳書籍獎,被同行評選為 2011 年最具影響力的敏捷測試專業人士,他的博客在 2010 年獲得了英國敏捷獎的最佳網上出版物獎。