PSpice for Digital Signal Processing (Paperback)
暫譯: PSpice 數位信號處理

Paul Tobin

  • 出版商: Morgan & Claypool
  • 出版日期: 1905-06-29
  • 售價: $1,920
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,824
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 154
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1598291645
  • ISBN-13: 9781598291643
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)




PSpice for Digital Signal Processing is the last in a series of five books using Cadence Orcad PSpice version 10.5 and introduces a very novel approach to learning digital signal processing (DSP). DSP is traditionally taught using Matlab/Simulink software but has some inherent weaknesses for students particularly at the introductory level. The ‘plug in variables and play’ nature of these software packages can lure the student into thinking they possesses an understanding they don’t actually have because these systems produce results quicklywithout revealing what is going on.However, it must be said that, for advanced level workMatlab/Simulink really excel. In this book we start by examining basic signals starting with sampled signals and dealing with the concept of digital frequency. The delay part, which is the heart of DSP, is explained and applied initially to simple FIR and IIR filters. We examine linear time invariant systems starting with the difference equation and applying the z-transform to produce a range of filter type i.e. low-pass, high-pass and bandpass. The important concept of convolution is examined and here we demonstrate the usefulness of the log command in Probe for giving the correct display to demonstrate the flip n slip method. Digital oscillators, including quadrature carrier generation, are then examined. Several filter design methods are considered and include the bilinear transform, impulse invariant, and window techniques. Included also is a treatment of the raised-cosine family of filters.


《PSpice for Digital Signal Processing》是使用 Cadence Orcad PSpice 版本 10.5 的五本書系列中的最後一本,並介紹了一種非常新穎的數位信號處理(DSP)學習方法。傳統上,DSP 是使用 Matlab/Simulink 軟體教授的,但對於特別是初學者的學生來說,這種方法存在一些固有的弱點。這些軟體包的「插入變數並運行」的特性可能會使學生誤以為他們擁有實際上並不存在的理解,因為這些系統能快速產生結果卻不揭示其背後的運作過程。然而,必須指出的是,對於高級工作,Matlab/Simulink 確實表現出色。在本書中,我們首先檢視基本信號,從取樣信號開始,並處理數位頻率的概念。延遲部分,作為 DSP 的核心,將首先解釋並應用於簡單的 FIR 和 IIR 濾波器。我們從差分方程開始檢視線性時不變系統,並應用 z 變換來產生各種濾波器類型,即低通、高通和帶通。重要的卷積概念也將被檢視,並在此展示 Probe 中 log 命令的實用性,以提供正確的顯示來演示翻轉與滑動方法。接著,我們將檢視數位振盪器,包括正交載波生成。考慮了幾種濾波器設計方法,包括雙線性變換、脈衝不變和窗函數技術。此外,還包括對提升餘弦濾波器族的處理。