Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide

Alex Reinhart




Scientific progress depends on good research, and good research needs good statistics. But statistical analysis is tricky to get right, even for the best and brightest of us. You'd be surprised how many scientists are doing it wrong.
Statistics Done Wrong is a pithy, essential guide to statistical blunders in modern science that will show you how to keep your research blunder-free. You'll examine embarrassing errors and omissions in recent research, learn about the misconceptions and scientific politics that allow these mistakes to happen, and begin your quest to reform the way you and your peers do statistics.
You'll find advice on:
  • Asking the right question, designing the right experiment, choosing the right statistical analysis, and sticking to the plan
  • How to think about p values, significance, insignificance, confidence intervals, and regression
  • Choosing the right sample size and avoiding false positives
  • Reporting your analysis and publishing your data and source code
  • Procedures to follow, precautions to take, and analytical software that can help
Scientists: Read this concise, powerful guide to help you produce statistically sound research. Statisticians: Give this book to everyone you know.
The first step toward statistics done right is Statistics Done Wrong.




- 提出正確的問題,設計正確的實驗,選擇正確的統計分析方法,並堅持計劃
- 如何思考 p 值、顯著性、不顯著性、信賴區間和回歸分析
- 選擇正確的樣本大小,避免虛假陽性
- 報告分析結果,發表數據和源代碼
- 遵循的程序,需要注意的預防措施,以及可以幫助的分析軟體

