Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and Unix Systems, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 厲害的酷炫 Shell 腳本:Linux、OS X 和 Unix 系統的 101 個腳本,第二版 (平裝本)

Dave Taylor, Brandon Perry




Shell scripts are an efficient way to interact with your machine and manage your files and system operations. With just a few lines of code, your computer will do exactly what you want it to do. But you can also use shell scripts for many other essential (and not-so-essential) tasks.

This second edition of Wicked Cool Shell Scripts offers a collection of useful, customizable, and fun shell scripts for solving common problems and personalizing your computing environment. Each chapter contains ready-to-use scripts and explanations of how they work, why you’d want to use them, and suggestions for changing and expanding them. You’ll find a mix of classic favorites, like a disk backup utility that keeps your files safe when your system crashes, a password manager, a weather tracker, and several games, as well as 23 brand-new scripts, including:

A ZIP code lookup tool that reports the city and state
A Bitcoin address information retriever
A suite of tools for working with cloud services like Dropbox and iCloud
Tools for renaming and applying commands to files in bulk
Image processing and editing tools
Whether you want to save time managing your system or just find new ways to goof off, these scripts are wicked cool!

<About the Author>

Dave Taylor has been in the computer industry since 1980. He was a contributor to BSD 4.4 UNIX, and his software is included in all major UNIX distributions. He is an award-winning public speaker and has written thousands of magazine and newspaper articles. He is the author of 20 books, including Learning UNIX for Mac OS X (O'Reilly), Solaris for Dummies (Hungry Minds), and Teach Yourself UNIX in 24 Hours (SAMS). A popular columnist for Linux Journal magazine, he also maintains a customer tech support website at askdavetaylor.com.

Brandon Perry started writing C# applications with the advent of the open source .NET implementation called Mono. In his free time, he enjoys writing modules for the Metasploit framework, parsing binary files, and fuzzing things.

<Table of Contents>

Chapter 1: The Missing Code Library
Chapter 2: Improving on User Commands
Chapter 3: Creating Utilities
Chapter 4: Tweaking Unix (AVAILABLE NOW)
Chapter 5: System Administration: Managing Users
Chapter 6: System Administration: System Maintenance
Chapter 7: Web and Internet Users
Chapter 8: Webmaster Hacks
Chapter 9: Web and Internet Administration
Chapter 10: Internet Server Administration
Chapter 11: OS X Scripts
Chapter 12: Shell Script Fun and Games
Chapter 13: Working with the Cloud
Chapter 14: ImageMagick and Working with Graphics Files
Chapter 15: Days and Dates

Appendix A: Installing Bash on Windows 10
Appendix B: Bonus Scripts



Shell 腳本是一種高效的方式來與您的機器互動,並管理您的檔案和系統操作。只需幾行程式碼,您的電腦就能完全按照您的需求運行。但您也可以使用 Shell 腳本來執行許多其他重要(或不那麼重要)的任務。

《Wicked Cool Shell Scripts》的第二版提供了一系列有用、可自訂且有趣的 Shell 腳本,用於解決常見問題並個性化您的計算環境。每一章都包含可立即使用的腳本,以及它們的運作方式、為什麼您會想使用它們的解釋,還有修改和擴展它們的建議。您將會找到一些經典的最愛,例如在系統崩潰時保護您的檔案的磁碟備份工具、一個密碼管理器、一個天氣追蹤器和幾個遊戲,以及 23 個全新的腳本,包括:

一個報告城市和州的 ZIP 碼查詢工具
一套用於處理雲服務(如 Dropbox 和 iCloud)的工具


**Dave Taylor** 自 1980 年以來一直在計算機行業工作。他是 BSD 4.4 UNIX 的貢獻者,他的軟體包含在所有主要的 UNIX 發行版中。他是一位獲獎的公共演講者,並撰寫了數千篇雜誌和報紙文章。他是 20 本書的作者,包括《Learning UNIX for Mac OS X》(O'Reilly)、《Solaris for Dummies》(Hungry Minds)和《Teach Yourself UNIX in 24 Hours》(SAMS)。作為《Linux Journal》雜誌的熱門專欄作家,他還在 askdavetaylor.com 維護一個客戶技術支援網站。

**Brandon Perry** 隨著開源 .NET 實現 Mono 的出現開始編寫 C# 應用程式。在空閒時間,他喜歡為 Metasploit 框架編寫模組、解析二進位檔案和進行模糊測試。


第 1 章:缺失的程式碼庫
第 2 章:改善用戶命令
第 3 章:創建工具
第 4 章:調整 Unix(現已可用)
第 5 章:系統管理:管理用戶
第 6 章:系統管理:系統維護
第 7 章:網頁和互聯網用戶
第 8 章:網站管理員技巧
第 9 章:網頁和互聯網管理
第 10 章:互聯網伺服器管理
第 11 章:OS X 腳本
第 12 章:Shell 腳本的樂趣與遊戲
第 13 章:與雲端合作
第 14 章:ImageMagick 和處理圖形檔案
第 15 章:日期和時間

附錄 A:在 Windows 10 上安裝 Bash
附錄 B:附加腳本