How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know, 2/e (Paperback)

Brian Ward




Unlike some operating systems, Linux doesn't try to hide the important bits from you—it gives you full control of your computer. But to truly master Linux, you need to understand its internals, like how the system boots, how networking works, and what the kernel actually does.

In this completely revised second edition of the perennial best seller How Linux Works, author Brian Ward makes the concepts behind Linux internals accessible to anyone curious about the inner workings of the operating system. Inside, you'll find the kind of knowledge that normally comes from years of experience doing things the hard way. You'll learn:

  • How Linux boots, from boot loaders to init implementations (systemd, Upstart, and System V)
  • How the kernel manages devices, device drivers, and processes
  • How networking, interfaces, firewalls, and servers work
  • How development tools work and relate to shared libraries
  • How to write effective shell scripts
You'll also explore the kernel and examine key system tasks inside user space, including system calls, input and output, and filesystems. With its combination of background, theory, real-world examples, and patient explanations, How Linux Works will teach you what you need to know to solve pesky problems and take control of your operating system.



在這本完全修訂的暢銷書籍《How Linux Works》第二版中,作者Brian Ward將Linux內部運作的概念變得易於理解,適合對操作系統內部運作感到好奇的任何人。在書中,您將找到通常需要多年實踐經驗才能獲得的知識。您將學到以下內容:

- Linux的啟動過程,從引導加載程式到init實現(systemd、Upstart和System V)
- 內核如何管理設備、設備驅動程式和進程
- 網絡、介面、防火牆和伺服器的運作方式
- 開發工具的運作方式及其與共享庫的關聯
- 如何撰寫有效的Shell腳本

您還將探索內核並檢視用戶空間內的關鍵系統任務,包括系統調用、輸入輸出和檔案系統。通過提供背景知識、理論、實際示例和耐心解釋的結合,《How Linux Works》將教您解決煩人問題並掌握操作系統所需的知識。