Introduction to Game Development (Hardcover)
暫譯: 遊戲開發入門 (精裝版)

Steve Rabin




Based on the curriculum guidelines of the IGDA, Introduction to Game Development is the first book to survey all aspects of the theory and practice of game development, design, and production. The book, which might be used as a text for introductory courses or as a comprehensive reference for game developers and designers, is divided into seven independent parts: Critical Game Studies, Game Design, Game Programming (Languages and Architecture), Game Programming (Mathematics, Collision Detection, and Physics), Game Programming (Graphics, Animation, Artificial Intelligence, Audio, and Networking), Audio Visual Design and Production, and Game Production and the Business of Games. Twenty-seven of the leading game developers, programmers, and designers have contributed chapters that discuss state of the art principles and techniques from the game development industry. The accompanying CD-ROM covers tutorials, animations, images, demos, source code, and Microsoft® PowerPoint lecture slides that reinforce the concepts presented in the book. This is a must-have resource for anyone looking to understanad the entire game development process.


根據 IGDA 的課程指導方針,《遊戲開發入門》是第一本全面調查遊戲開發、設計和製作理論與實踐各個方面的書籍。這本書可以用作入門課程的教材,或作為遊戲開發者和設計師的綜合參考資料,分為七個獨立的部分:關鍵遊戲研究、遊戲設計、遊戲程式設計(語言與架構)、遊戲程式設計(數學、碰撞檢測與物理)、遊戲程式設計(圖形、動畫、人工智慧、音頻與網絡)、視聽設計與製作,以及遊戲製作與遊戲商業。二十七位領先的遊戲開發者、程式設計師和設計師貢獻了章節,討論遊戲開發行業的最新原則和技術。隨書附贈的 CD-ROM 包含教程、動畫、圖片、演示、源代碼以及 Microsoft® PowerPoint 講義幻燈片,強化書中所呈現的概念。這是任何希望了解整個遊戲開發過程的人的必備資源。