After Effects in Production: A Companion for Creating Motion Graphics, 2/e
暫譯: 《After Effects 在製作中的應用:動態圖形創作指南(第二版)》

Trish Meyer, Chris Meyer

  • 出版商: CMP Books
  • 出版日期: 2004-12-10
  • 定價: $1,813
  • 售價: 2.2$399
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 354
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1578202647
  • ISBN-13: 9781578202645
  • 相關分類: After Effects
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 4)




Take your After Effects skills to a new level! Twelve step-by-step tutorials, designed by industry professionals, explore a variety of creative approaches as they teach useful design concepts and production techniques.

Updated for After Effects 6.5, this new edition covers the most significant Version 5 and 6 features including 3D space, cameras, lights, parenting, text, animation presets, paint, and expressions. Each carefully structured project presents the "why" behind the steps, so you can adapt these techniques to your own designs and motion graphics work. All contain timeless concepts that will be of use for many years to come.

After Effects in Production also contains six case studies of commercial projects created by award-winning studios such as ATTIK, Belief, Curious Pictures,The Diecks Group, Fido, and the authors' own studio, CyberMotion.These detail the integration of After Effects, 3D programs, live action, and a variety of animation techniques, revealing the artistic concepts behind the spots as well as the inventive techniques used to execute them. The enclosed DVD contains QuickTime movies of each of the final animations, allowing you to step through them frame-by-frame so you can examine them in detail.

Topics include:

  • Mastering 3D space features, including cameras, lights, shadows, and orientation
  • Employing parenting, precomposing, and expressions to group layers
  • Refining animations with keyframe assistants, expressions, and velocity curves
  • Universal design concepts that can be applied to any version of After Effects

DVD contains: All projects and sources, QT movies of finished tutorials and case studies, plus free footage and plug-ins. Includes Tryout version of Adobe After Effects 6.5 (Mac or Windows).

USER LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced.



提升您的 After Effects 技能到一個新層次!這本書包含十二個逐步教學,由業界專業人士設計,探索各種創意方法,同時教授有用的設計概念和製作技術。

本書已更新至 After Effects 6.5,涵蓋了版本 5 和 6 中最重要的功能,包括 3D 空間、相機、燈光、父子關係、文字、動畫預設、繪畫和表達式。每個精心結構的專案都解釋了步驟背後的「為什麼」,讓您能夠將這些技術應用到自己的設計和動態圖形作品中。所有內容都包含了永恆的概念,將在未來多年中持續有用。

《After Effects in Production》還包含六個由獲獎工作室(如 ATTIK、Belief、Curious Pictures、The Diecks Group、Fido 以及作者自己的工作室 CyberMotion)創建的商業專案案例研究。這些案例詳細說明了 After Effects、3D 程式、實拍和各種動畫技術的整合,揭示了廣告背後的藝術概念以及執行這些概念所使用的創新技術。隨附的 DVD 包含每個最終動畫的 QuickTime 影片,讓您可以逐幀檢視,詳細檢查它們。

- 精通 3D 空間功能,包括相機、燈光、陰影和方向
- 使用父子關係、預合成和表達式來分組圖層
- 使用關鍵幀助手、表達式和速度曲線來精煉動畫
- 可應用於任何版本 After Effects 的通用設計概念

DVD 包含:所有專案和來源、完成的教學和案例研究的 QT 影片,以及免費的素材和外掛。包括 Adobe After Effects 6.5 的試用版(Mac 或 Windows)。
