HTTP: The Definitive Guide (Paperback)
暫譯: HTTP:權威指南(平裝本)

David Gourley, Brian Totty, Marjorie Sayer, Anshu Aggarwal, Sailu Reddy





Behind every web transaction lies the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) --- the language of web browsers and servers, of portals and search engines, of e-commerce and web services. Understanding HTTP is essential for practically all web-based programming, design, analysis, and administration.

While the basics of HTTP are elegantly simple, the protocol's advanced features are notoriously confusing, because they knit together complex technologies and terminology from many disciplines. This book clearly explains HTTP and these interrelated core technologies, in twenty-one logically organized chapters, backed up by hundreds of detailed illustrations and examples, and convenient reference appendices. HTTP: The Definitive Guide explains everything people need to use HTTP efficiently -- including the "black arts" and "tricks of the trade" -- in a concise and readable manner.

In addition to explaining the basic HTTP features, syntax and guidelines, this book clarifies related, but often misunderstood topics, such as: TCP connection management, web proxy and cache architectures, web robots and robots.txt files, Basic and Digest authentication, secure HTTP transactions, entity body processing, internationalized content, and traffic redirection.

Many technical professionals will benefit from this book. Internet architects and developers who need to design and develop software, IT professionals who need to understand Internet architectural components and interactions, multimedia designers who need to publish and host multimedia, performance engineers who need to optimize web performance, technical marketing professionals who need a clear picture of core web architectures and protocols, as well as untold numbers of students and hobbyists will all benefit from the knowledge packed in this volume.

There are many books that explain how to use the Web, but this is the one that explains how the Web works. Written by experts with years of design and implementation experience, this book is the definitive technical bible that describes the "why" and the "how" of HTTP and web core technologies. HTTP: The Definitive Guide is an essential reference that no technically-inclined member of the Internet community should be without.


Table of Contents




Part I. HTTP: The Web's Foundation

1. Overview of HTTP

2. URLs and Resources

3. HTTP Messages

4. Connection Management

Part II. HTTP Architecture

5. Web Servers

6. Proxies

7. Caching

8. Integration Points: Gateways, Tunnels, and Relays

9. Web Robots


Part III. Identification, Authorization, and Security

11. Client Identification and Cookies

12. Basic Authentication

13. Digest Authentication

14. Secure HTTP

Part IV. Entities, Encodings, and Internationalization

15. Entities and Encodings

16. Internationalization

17. Content Negotiation and Transcoding

Part V. Content Publishing and Distribution

18. Web Hosting

19. Publishing Systems

20. Redirection and Load Balancing

21. Logging and Usage Tracking



Part VI. Appendixes

A. URI Schemes

B. HTTP Status Codes

C. HTTP Header Reference

D. MIME Types

E. Base-64 Encoding

F. Digest Authentication

G. Language Tags

H. MIME Charset Registry





雖然HTTP的基本概念優雅而簡單,但該協定的進階特性卻因為結合了來自多個學科的複雜技術和術語而著稱為令人困惑。本書清楚地解釋了HTTP及這些相互關聯的核心技術,分為二十一個邏輯組織的章節,並附有數百個詳細的插圖和範例,以及方便的參考附錄。《HTTP: 完整指南》以簡潔易讀的方式解釋了人們需要有效使用HTTP的一切——包括「黑暗藝術」和「行業技巧」。



有許多書籍解釋如何使用網路,但這本書解釋了網路是如何運作的。由擁有多年設計和實施經驗的專家撰寫,本書是描述HTTP及網路核心技術的權威技術聖經,解釋了「為什麼」和「如何」。 《HTTP: 完整指南》是每位技術導向的網路社群成員必備的參考書。




1. HTTP概述
2. URL和資源
3. HTTP訊息
4. 連接管理


5. 網路伺服器
6. 代理
7. 快取
8. 整合點:閘道、隧道和中繼
9. 網路機器人


11. 客戶端識別和Cookies
12. 基本認證
13. 摘要認證
14. 安全HTTP


15. 實體和編碼
16. 國際化
17. 內容協商和轉碼


18. 網路託管
19. 發布系統
20. 重定向和負載平衡
21. 日誌和使用追蹤


A. URI方案
B. HTTP狀態碼
C. HTTP標頭參考
E. Base-64編碼
F. 摘要認證
G. 語言標籤
H. MIME字符集登記