Complete Maya Programming: An Extensive Guide to MEL and C++ API (Paperback)
暫譯: 完整的 Maya 程式設計:MEL 與 C++ API 的全面指南 (平裝本)

David Gould



Learning Maya, the world's leading 3D animation and effects package, is a challenge, especially for those who want to master Maya's versatile programming features in addition to its built-in tools.  
Finally, here is a practical, step-by-step guide that shows how to use Maya to its fullest potential, beginning with the basics. Readers of Complete Maya Programming will first gain a thorough understanding of Maya's inner workings, and then learn how to customize and extend Maya with scripts and plugins that take control and productivity to new levels.  
Users new to programming can apply Maya's easy scripting language MEL (Maya Embedded Language), while more advanced users can work with the C++ API (Application Progamming Interface). Both a fundamental tutorial for Maya beginners and a solid reference for experienced developers, Complete Maya Programming is every user's guide to Maya mastery.


Source Files  
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter  
1.1 Maya's Programmability  
1.2 Programming Interfaces  
Chapter 2: Fundamental Maya Concepts  
2.1 Maya Architecture  
2.2 Dependency Graph  
Chapter 3: MEL  
3.1 Introduction  
3.2 The MEL Programming Language  
3.3 Scripting  
3.4 Objects  
3.5 Animation  
3.6 Graphical User Interfaces  
3.7 Expressions  
Chapter 4: C++ API  
4.1 Introduction  
4.2 Fundamental Concepts  
4.3 Developing Plugins  
4.4 Commands  
4.5 Nodes  
4.6 Locators  
4.7 Manipulators  
4.8 Deformers  
4.9 Advanced C++ API  
Appendix A: Additional Resources  
Appendix B: MEL for C Programmers  
Appendix C: Further Reading  
About the Author


學習 Maya,這個全球領先的 3D 動畫和特效軟體,對於那些希望掌握 Maya 多功能編程特性的使用者來說,無疑是一項挑戰,尤其是除了內建工具之外的部分。

最後,這裡有一本實用的逐步指南,展示如何充分利用 Maya,從基礎開始。閱讀《Complete Maya Programming》的讀者將首先深入了解 Maya 的內部運作,然後學習如何使用腳本和插件自定義和擴展 Maya,將控制和生產力提升到新的水平。

對於新手使用者來說,可以使用 Maya 的簡易腳本語言 MEL(Maya Embedded Language),而更進階的使用者則可以使用 C++ API(應用程式編程介面)。《Complete Maya Programming》不僅是 Maya 初學者的基本教程,也是經驗豐富的開發者的可靠參考,是每位使用者掌握 Maya 的指南。


第 1 章:介紹
1.1 Maya 的可編程性
1.2 編程介面
第 2 章:基本的 Maya 概念
2.1 Maya 架構
2.2 依賴圖
第 3 章:MEL
3.1 介紹
3.2 MEL 編程語言
3.3 腳本
3.4 物件
3.5 動畫
3.6 圖形用戶介面
3.7 表達式
第 4 章:C++ API
4.1 介紹
4.2 基本概念
4.3 開發插件
4.4 命令
4.5 節點
4.6 定位器
4.7 操作器
4.8 變形器
4.9 進階 C++ API
附錄 A:附加資源
附錄 B:C 程式設計師的 MEL
附錄 C:進一步閱讀