Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human Computer Interaction (可用性工程:基於情境的人機互動開發)

Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll




You don't need to be convinced. You know that usability is key to the success of any interactive system-from commercial software to B2B Web sites to handheld devices. But you need skills to make usability part of your product development equation. How will you assess your users' needs and preferences? How will you design effective solutions that are grounded in users' current practices? How will you evaluate and refine these designs to ensure a quality product?  
Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human-Computer Interaction is a radical departure from traditional books that emphasize theory and address experts. This book focuses on the realities of product development, showing how user interaction scenarios can make usability practices an integral part of interactive system development. As you'll learn, usability engineering is not the application of inflexible rules; it's a process of analysis, prototyping, and problem solving in which you evaluate tradeoffs, make reasoned decisions, and maximize the overall value of your product


Color Plates Following Page  
Chapter 1 - Scenario-Based Usability Engineering  
Chapter 2 - Analyzing Requirements  
Chapter 3 - Activity Design  
Chapter 4 - Information Design  
Chapter 5 - Interaction Design  
Chapter 6 - Prototyping  
Chapter 7 - Usability Evaluation  
Chapter 8 - User Documentation  
Chapter 9 - Emerging Paradigms for User Interaction  
Chapter 10 - Usability Engineering in Practice  
Appendix - Inferential Statistics  
Figure Credits  



- 前言
- 前言
- 彩色插圖
- 第1章 - 基於情境的可用性工程
- 第2章 - 分析需求
- 第3章 - 活動設計
- 第4章 - 資訊設計
- 第5章 - 互動設計
- 第6章 - 原型製作
- 第7章 - 可用性評估
- 第8章 - 用戶文件
- 第9章 - 用戶互動的新興範式
- 第10章 - 可用性工程實踐
- 附錄 - 推論統計
- 詞彙表
- 參考文獻
- 圖片來源
- 索引