Fundamentals of Probability With Stochastic Processes, 4/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: 機率與隨機過程基礎,第4版 (精裝本)

Saeed Ghahramani




New to the Fourth Edition:
●538 new examples and exercises have been added, almost all of which are of applied nature in realistic contexts
●Self-quizzes at the end of each section and self-tests at the end of each chapter allow students to check their comprehension of the material
●An all-new Companion Website includes additional examples, complementary topics not covered in the previous editions, and applications for more in-depth studies, as well as a test bank and figure slides. It also includes complete solutions to all self-test and self-quiz problems


"The 4th edition of Ghahramani's book is replete with intriguing historical notes, insightful comments, and well-selected examples/exercises that, together, capture much of the essence of probability. Along with its Companion Website, the book is suitable as a primary resource for a first course in probability. Moreover, it has sufficient material for a sequel course introducing stochastic processes and stochastic simulation."

--Nawaf Bou-Rabee, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers University Camden, USA

"This book is an excellent primer on probability, with an incisive exposition to stochastic processes included as well. The flow of the text aids its readability, and the book is indeed a treasure trove of set and solved problems. Every sub-topic within a chapter is supplemented by a comprehensive list of exercises, accompanied frequently by self-quizzes, while each chapter ends with a useful summary and another rich collection of review problems."

--Dalia Chakrabarty, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, UK

"This textbook provides a thorough and rigorous treatment of fundamental probability, including both discrete and continuous cases. The book’s ample collection of exercises gives instructors and students a great deal of practice and tools to sharpen their understanding. Because the definitions, theorems, and examples are clearly labeled and easy to find, this book is not only a great course accompaniment, but an invaluable reference."

--Joshua Stangle, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin – Superior, USA

This one- or two-term calculus-based basic probability text is written for majors in mathematics, physical sciences, engineering, statistics, actuarial science, business and finance, operations research, and computer science. It presents probability in a natural way: through interesting and instructive examples and exercises that motivate the theory, definitions, theorems, and methodology. This book is mathematically rigorous and, at the same time, closely matches the historical development of probability. Whenever appropriate, historical remarks are included, and the 2096 examples and exercises have been carefully designed to arouse curiosity and hence encourage students to delve into the theory with enthusiasm.









--Nawaf Bou-Rabee,美國羅格斯大學坎登數學副教授


--Dalia Chakrabarty,英國拉夫堡大學數學科學系


--Joshua Stangle,美國威斯康辛大學-蘇比爾數學助理教授



1.Axioms of Probability
2.Combinatorial Methods
3.Conditional Probability and Independence
4.Distribution Functions and Discrete Random Variables
5.Special Discrete Distributions
6.Continuous Random Variables
7.Special Continuous Distributions
8.Bivariate Distributions
9.Multivariate Distributions
10.More Expectations and Variances
11.Sums of Independent Random Variables and Limit Theorems
12.Stochastic Processes


1.Axioms of Probability

2.Combinatorial Methods

3.Conditional Probability and Independence

4.Distribution Functions and Discrete Random Variables

5.Special Discrete Distributions

6.Continuous Random Variables

7.Special Continuous Distributions

8.Bivariate Distributions

9.Multivariate Distributions

10.More Expectations and Variances

11.Sums of Independent Random Variables and Limit Theorems

12.Stochastic Processes