Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites, 6/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 學習 PHP、MySQL 與 JavaScript:創建動態網站的逐步指南,第 6 版 (平裝本)

Nixon, Robin



Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open source technologies and web standards, even if you have only basic HTML knowledge. With the latest edition of this popular hands-on guide, you'll tackle dynamic web programming using the most recent versions of today's core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and the powerful React and React Native libraries.

Web designers will learn how to use these technologies together while picking up valuable web programming practices along the way--including how to optimize websites for mobile devices. Finally, you'll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site suitable for both desktop and mobile browsers.

  • Explore MySQL from database structure to complex queries
  • Use the MySQL PDO extension, PHP's improved MySQL interface
  • Create dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themselves to the user
  • Manage cookies and sessions and maintain a high level of security
  • Enhance JavaScript with the React and React Native libraries
  • Use Ajax calls for background browser server communication
  • Style your web pages by acquiring CSS skills
  • Implement HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video, and the canvas
  • Reformat your websites into mobile web apps


建立互動式、數據驅動的網站,利用開源技術和網頁標準的強大組合,即使您只有基本的 HTML 知識。透過這本受歡迎的實作指南的最新版本,您將使用當今核心技術的最新版本來處理動態網頁編程:PHP、MySQL、JavaScript、CSS、HTML5,以及強大的 React 和 React Native 函式庫。


- 探索 MySQL 從資料庫結構到複雜查詢
- 使用 MySQL PDO 擴展,PHP 改進的 MySQL 介面
- 創建動態的 PHP 網頁,根據用戶需求進行調整
- 管理 cookies 和 sessions,並維持高水平的安全性
- 使用 React 和 React Native 函式庫增強 JavaScript
- 使用 Ajax 調用進行背景瀏覽器伺服器通信
- 通過學習 CSS 技能來美化您的網頁
- 實現 HTML5 功能,包括地理定位、音頻、視頻和畫布
- 將您的網站重新格式化為行動網頁應用程式


Robin Nixon has been a software developer and author since the 1980s and has written over 30 books on the subject. His book Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript was first published in 2009 and since then its various editions have remained some of the top-selling books on web development worldwide, and are used as course material for numerous courses in colleges and universities. Robin's books have been translated into many different languages and he has also produced a range of video tutorials.


Robin Nixon 自1980年代以來一直是一名軟體開發人員和作者,並且已經撰寫了超過30本相關書籍。他的書籍《Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript》於2009年首次出版,自那時以來,各個版本一直是全球網頁開發領域的暢銷書,並被許多大學和學院的課程作為教材使用。Robin 的書籍已被翻譯成多種語言,他也製作了一系列的視頻教學。