Learning the VI and VIM Editors: Power and Agility Beyond Just Text Editing, 8/e (Paperback) (學習 VI 和 VIM 編輯器:超越文本編輯的力量與敏捷性,第8版)

Robbins, Arnold, Hannah, Elbert




vi and its derivatives are perhaps the most important family of text editors in the programming community. With this updated guide, Unix and Linux users will learn text editing basics for both vi and Vim (vi improved) before moving onto advanced editing tools for each editor. Authors Elbert Hannah and Arnold Robbins cover the latest major releases of Vim, including 8.0 and 8.2.

Whether you're a programmer or computer analyst or you work with browsers or command-line interfaces, you'll examine multi-window editing, global search and replacement, power tools for programmers, and how to write interactive macros and scripts to extend the editor-all in the easy-to-follow style that's made this book a classic.

  • Go beyond the basics to learn which vi commands fit your specific needs
  • Learn advanced vi tools that shift some of the editing burden to the computer
  • Explore Vim tools that provide major improvements over vi
  • Examine Vim's multi-window editing feature, a significant upgrade over vi
  • Use Vim scripts to customize and tailor Vim to suit your needs
  • Look at Vim in modern GUI environments with Graphical Vim (gvim)


vi及其衍生版本可能是程式設計社群中最重要的文字編輯器家族。透過這本更新的指南,Unix和Linux使用者將學習vi和Vim(vi improved)的文字編輯基礎,然後再進一步探索每個編輯器的高級編輯工具。作者Elbert Hannah和Arnold Robbins涵蓋了Vim的最新主要版本,包括8.0和8.2。


  • 超越基礎知識,了解哪些vi指令適合您的特定需求

  • 學習高級vi工具,將部分編輯負擔轉移到電腦上

  • 探索Vim工具,提供比vi更大的改進

  • 研究Vim的多窗口編輯功能,這是vi的重大升級

  • 使用Vim腳本自定義和調整Vim以滿足您的需求

  • 了解在現代圖形界面環境中使用圖形Vim(gvim)


Arnold Robbins, an Atlanta native, is a professional programmer and technical author. He has been working with Unix systems since 1980, when he was introduced to a PDP-11 running a version of Sixth Edition Unix. His experience also includes multiple commercial Unix systems, from Sun, IBM, HP and DEC. He has been working with GNU/Linux systems since 1996.Arnold has also been a heavy awk user since 1987, when he became involved with gawk, the GNU project's version of awk. As a member of the POSIX 1003.2 balloting group, he helped shape the POSIX standard for awk. He is currently the maintainer of gawk and its documentation. O'Reilly has been keeping him busy: He is author and/or coauthor of the bestselling titles: Unix In A Nutshell, Effective awk Programming, sed & awk, Classic Shell Scripting, and several pocket references.

Elbert Hannah specializes in integrating technologies. His first job found him writing a full-screen editor in assembler (Intel 8086) in 1983. He implemented many vi-like features like motion-by-object (word, paragraph, etc.). Elbert discovered Unix working for the phone company and built a career integrating disparate systems. He wrote an e-mail platform for IBM's mainframe ISPF environment by linking ISPF panels to IBM JCL jobs linked to an AT&T connected RJE reader. Today, Elbert works in the Finance industry, again, integrating technologies. Underlying all of his accomplishments was the reliance on the power and agility of the vi text-editing framework.


Arnold Robbins,亞特蘭大本地人,是一位專業的程式設計師和技術作家。自1980年以來,他一直在使用Unix系統,當時他接觸到一台運行第六版Unix的PDP-11。他的經驗還包括多個商業Unix系統,如Sun、IBM、HP和DEC。自1996年以來,他一直在使用GNU/Linux系統。Arnold自1987年以來一直是一位熱衷的awk使用者,當時他參與了gawk(GNU專案的awk版本)的開發。作為POSIX 1003.2投票組的成員,他幫助制定了awk的POSIX標準。他目前是gawk及其文檔的維護者。O'Reilly一直讓他忙碌不停:他是暢銷書《Unix In A Nutshell》、《Effective awk Programming》、《sed & awk》、《Classic Shell Scripting》和幾本口袋參考書的作者或合著者。

Elbert Hannah專注於整合技術。他的第一份工作是在1983年以組合語言(Intel 8086)編寫全屏編輯器。他實現了許多類似vi的功能,如按對象移動(單詞、段落等)。Elbert在電話公司工作時發現了Unix,並建立了整合不同系統的職業生涯。他通過將ISPF面板與IBM JCL作業鏈接到AT&T連接的RJE讀取器,為IBM的主機ISPF環境編寫了一個電子郵件平台。如今,Elbert在金融行業工作,再次整合技術。他所有成就的基礎都依賴於vi文本編輯框架的強大和靈活性。