Refactoring at Scale: Regaining Control of Your Codebase
暫譯: 大規模重構:重新掌控你的程式碼庫

Lemaire, Maude



Making significant changes to large, complex codebases is a daunting task--one that's nearly impossible to do successfully unless you have the right team, tools, and mindset. If your application is in need of a substantial overhaul and you're unsure how to go about implementing those changes in a sustainable way, then this book is for you.

Software engineer Maude Lemaire walks you through the entire refactoring process from start to finish. You'll learn from her experience driving performance and refactoring efforts at Slack during a period of critical growth, including two case studies illustrating the impact these techniques can have in the real world. This book will help you achieve a newfound ability to productively introduce important changes in your codebase.

  • Understand how code degrades and why some degradation is inevitable
  • Quantify and qualify the state of your codebase before refactoring
  • Draft a well-scoped execution plan with strategic milestones
  • Win support from engineering leadership
  • Build and coordinate a team best suited for the project
  • Communicate effectively inside and outside your team
  • Adopt best practices for successfully executing the refactor



軟體工程師 Maude Lemaire 將帶你從頭到尾了解整個重構過程。你將從她在 Slack 期間推動性能和重構工作的經驗中學習,包括兩個案例研究,說明這些技術在現實世界中的影響。本書將幫助你獲得以生產性方式在程式碼庫中引入重要變更的新能力。

- 了解程式碼如何退化以及為什麼某些退化是不可避免的
- 在重構之前量化和評估你的程式碼庫狀態
- 擬定一個範圍明確的執行計畫,並設置戰略里程碑
- 獲得工程領導的支持
- 建立並協調最適合該專案的團隊
- 在團隊內外有效溝通
- 採用最佳實踐以成功執行重構


Maude Lemaire is a software engineer at Slack where she works to scale the product to support some of the world's largest organizations. She spends most of her time chasing down people making network calls in a loop, refactoring unwieldy chunks of code, consolidating redundant database schemas, and building tools for other developers. Maude cares deeply about the developer experience and has actively sought out simpler, more efficient ways to structure code in each of her roles, at all levels of the stack.

Maude obtained a BSc. in Honours Software Engineering from McGill University.


Maude Lemaire 是 Slack 的一名軟體工程師,她的工作是擴展產品以支持一些全球最大的組織。她大部分時間都在追蹤在迴圈中進行網路呼叫的人,重構繁瑣的程式碼塊,整合冗餘的資料庫架構,並為其他開發人員建立工具。Maude 非常關心開發者體驗,並在她的每個角色中積極尋找更簡單、更有效的方式來結構化程式碼,涵蓋整個技術棧的各個層面。

Maude 取得了麥吉爾大學的榮譽軟體工程學士學位。