Quarkus Cookbook: Kubernetes-Optimized Java Solutions (Paperback)
暫譯: Quarkus 食譜:Kubernetes 優化的 Java 解決方案 (平裝本)

Bueno, Alex Soto, Porter, Jason



Optimized for Kubernetes, Quarkus is designed to help you create Java applications that are cloud first, container native, and serverless capable. With this cookbook, authors Alex Soto Bueno and Jason Porter from Red Hat provide detailed solutions for installing, interacting with, and using Quarkus in the development and production of microservices.

The recipes in this book show mid-level to senior developers familiar with Java enterprise application development how to get started with Quarkus quickly. You'll become familiar with how Quarkus works within the wider Java ecosystem and discover ways to adapt this framework to your particular needs. Each standalone chapter features recipes written in O'Reilly's popular problem-solution-discussion format.

You'll learn how to:

  • Shorten the development cycle by enabling live reloading in dev mode
  • Connect to and communicate with Kafka
  • Develop with the Reactive programming model
  • Simplify persistence with Panache
  • Easily add fault tolerance to your services
  • Gather metrics for a deployed application
  • Build your application as a Kubernetes-ready container
  • Utilize Spring knowledge
  • Ease development with OpenAPI
  • Enable security in your services
  • Test a native Quarkus application


優化於 Kubernetes 的 Quarkus,旨在幫助您創建以雲為先、容器原生且具無伺服器能力的 Java 應用程式。這本食譜書的作者來自 Red Hat 的 Alex Soto Bueno 和 Jason Porter,提供了詳細的解決方案,幫助您在微服務的開發和生產中安裝、互動和使用 Quarkus。

本書中的食譜展示了熟悉 Java 企業應用程式開發的中高級開發人員如何快速入門 Quarkus。您將熟悉 Quarkus 如何在更廣泛的 Java 生態系統中運作,並發現如何根據您的特定需求調整這個框架。每個獨立的章節都採用 O'Reilly 受歡迎的問題-解決-討論格式撰寫食譜。


- 縮短開發週期,通過啟用開發模式下的即時重載
- 連接並與 Kafka 進行通信
- 使用反應式編程模型進行開發
- 使用 Panache 簡化持久性
- 輕鬆為您的服務添加容錯能力
- 收集已部署應用程式的指標
- 將您的應用程式構建為 Kubernetes 準備好的容器
- 利用 Spring 知識
- 通過 OpenAPI 簡化開發
- 在您的服務中啟用安全性
- 測試原生 Quarkus 應用程式


Alex Soto Bueno is a Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat. He is passionate about Java world, software automation and he believes in the open source software model. Alex is the creator of NoSQLUnit project, member of JSR374 (Java API for JSON Processing) Expert Group, contributor of several open source projects. A Java Champion since 2017, international speaker and teacher at Salle URL University, he has talked about microservices, Kubernetes, testing techniques and continuous delivery in the 21st century.

Jason Porter is a software engineer currently working on the Red Hat Developer Program Team, Arquillian, Quarkus, web site and other developer experience projects within Red Hat. His specialties include Wildfly, Quarkus, CDI, JSF, Java EE, solr, and Gradle. He has worked with PHP, Ruby, Groovy, SASS, the rest of the web language arena (HTML, CSS, JS, etc). His current position as Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat has him work primarily on the developers.redhat.com website, however, he also contributes to JBoss Forge, Arquillian, Apache DeltaSpike, Awestruct, Asciidoctor and others as time allows. He's very interested in the developer experience and helping to improve it at all aspects.


Alex Soto Bueno 是 Red Hat 的開發者體驗總監。他對 Java 世界、軟體自動化充滿熱情,並相信開源軟體模型。Alex 是 NoSQLUnit 專案的創建者,也是 JSR374(Java API for JSON 處理)專家小組的成員,並參與了多個開源專案。自 2017 年以來,他被認定為 Java Champion,並在 Salle URL 大學擔任國際演講者和教師,曾在 21 世紀的微服務、Kubernetes、測試技術和持續交付等主題上發表演講。

Jason Porter 是一名軟體工程師,目前在 Red Hat 的開發者計畫團隊工作,專注於 Arquillian、Quarkus、網站及其他開發者體驗專案。他的專長包括 Wildfly、Quarkus、CDI、JSF、Java EE、solr 和 Gradle。他曾使用 PHP、Ruby、Groovy、SASS,以及其他網頁語言(HTML、CSS、JS 等)。他目前在 Red Hat 擔任高級軟體工程師,主要負責 developers.redhat.com 網站的工作,但他也會根據時間參與 JBoss Forge、Arquillian、Apache DeltaSpike、Awestruct、Asciidoctor 等專案。他對開發者體驗非常感興趣,並致力於在各個方面改善這一體驗。