High Performance Python: Practical Performant Programming for Humans, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 高效能 Python:實用的高效程式設計,第二版 (平裝本)
Gorelick, Micha, Ozsvald, Ian
- 出版商: O'Reilly
- 出版日期: 2020-06-09
- 定價: $2,150
- 售價: 8.8 折 $1,892 (限時優惠至 2025-03-31)
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 459
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 1492055026
- ISBN-13: 9781492055020
高效能 Python 程式設計, 2/e (High Performance Python: Practical Performant Programming for Humans, 2/e) (繁中版)
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Your Python code may run correctly, but you need it to run faster. Updated for Python 3, this expanded edition shows you how to locate performance bottlenecks and significantly speed up your code in high-data-volume programs. By exploring the fundamental theory behind design choices, High Performance Python helps you gain a deeper understanding of Python's implementation.
How do you take advantage of multicore architectures or clusters? Or build a system that scales up and down without losing reliability? Experienced Python programmers will learn concrete solutions to many issues, along with war stories from companies that use high-performance Python for social media analytics, productionized machine learning, and more.
- Get a better grasp of NumPy, Cython, and profilers
- Learn how Python abstracts the underlying computer architecture
- Use profiling to find bottlenecks in CPU time and memory usage
- Write efficient programs by choosing appropriate data structures
- Speed up matrix and vector computations
- Use tools to compile Python down to machine code
- Manage multiple I/O and computational operations concurrently
- Convert multiprocessing code to run on local or remote clusters
- Deploy code faster using tools like Docker
您的 Python 程式碼可能運行正常,但您需要它運行得更快。本書針對 Python 3 進行了更新,這個擴展版將教您如何定位性能瓶頸,並在高數據量的程式中顯著加速您的程式。通過探索設計選擇背後的基本理論,《高效能 Python》幫助您更深入地理解 Python 的實現。
您如何利用多核心架構或叢集?或者建立一個在不失去可靠性的情況下能夠上下擴展的系統?經驗豐富的 Python 程式設計師將學到許多問題的具體解決方案,以及使用高效能 Python 進行社交媒體分析、產品化機器學習等公司的實戰故事。
- 更好地掌握 NumPy、Cython 和分析工具
- 學習 Python 如何抽象底層計算機架構
- 使用分析工具找出 CPU 時間和記憶體使用的瓶頸
- 通過選擇適當的資料結構來編寫高效的程式
- 加速矩陣和向量計算
- 使用工具將 Python 編譯為機器碼
- 同時管理多個 I/O 和計算操作
- 將多進程程式轉換為在本地或遠端叢集上運行
- 使用 Docker 等工具更快地部署程式
Micha Gorelick cofounded Fast Forward Labs as resident mad scientist. The company was acquired by Cloudera in 2017. He works on many issues from machine learning to performant stream algorithms.
Ian is a chief data scientist and coach. He co-organizes the annualPyDataLondon conference with 700+ attendees and the associated 10,000+ member monthly meetup. He runs the established Mor Consulting Data Science consultancy in London and gives conference talks internationally, often as keynote speaker. He has 17 years ofexperience as a senior data science leader, trainer and team coach.For fun he's walked by his high-energy Springer Spaniel, surfs theCornish coast and drinks fine coffee. Past talks and articles can befound at: https: //ianozsvald.com/
Micha Gorelick 共同創辦了 Fast Forward Labs,擔任駐場瘋狂科學家。該公司於 2017 年被 Cloudera 收購。他的工作範圍涵蓋許多議題,從機器學習到高效能串流演算法。
Ian 是首席數據科學家和教練。他共同組織了每年舉辦的 PyData London 會議,參加人數超過 700 人,並且還有超過 10,000 名成員的每月聚會。他在倫敦經營著知名的 Mor Consulting 數據科學顧問公司,並在國際上進行會議演講,經常擔任主題演講者。他擁有 17 年的資深數據科學領導者、培訓師和團隊教練的經驗。為了娛樂,他常常帶著精力充沛的斯賓格犬散步,衝浪於康沃爾海岸,並品嚐優質咖啡。過去的演講和文章可以在以下網址找到:https://ianozsvald.com/