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Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack

Brown, Ethan




Build dynamic web applications with Express, a key component of the Node/JavaScript development stack. In this updated edition, author Ethan Brown teaches you Express 5 fundamentals by walking you through the development of an example application. This hands-on guide covers everything from server-side rendering to API development suitable for use in single-page apps (SPAs)

Express strikes a balance between a robust framework and no framework at all, allowing you a free hand in your architecture choices. Frontend and backend engineers familiar with JavaScript will also learn best practices for building multipage and hybrid web apps with Express. Pick up this book and discover new ways to look at web development.


使用Express,一個Node/JavaScript開發堆疊的重要組件,來建立動態網頁應用程式。在這本更新的版本中,作者Ethan Brown透過開發一個範例應用程式,教授你Express 5的基礎知識。這本實戰指南涵蓋了從伺服器端渲染到適用於單頁應用程式(SPA)的API開發的所有內容。



Ethan Brown is the Director of Technology at VMS, where he is responsible for the architecture and implementation of VMSPro(R), cloud-based software for decision support, risk analysis, and creative ideation for large projects. He has over 20 years of programming experience, from embedded to the Web, and has embraced the JavaScript stack as the web platform of the future. He is author of the first edition of Web Development with Node and Express (O'Reilly).


Ethan Brown是VMS的技術總監,負責VMSPro(R)的架構和實施,這是一個基於雲端的軟體,用於大型項目的決策支援、風險分析和創意構思。他擁有超過20年的程式設計經驗,從嵌入式系統到網頁開發,並將JavaScript堆棧視為未來的網頁平台。他是《Web Development with Node and Express》(O'Reilly)第一版的作者。

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