Kubernetes Up and Running : Dive into the Future of Infrastructure, 2/e (Paperback) Dive into the Future of Infrastructure
暫譯: Kubernetes 實戰:深入基礎設施的未來,第二版 (平裝本)

Brendan Burns , Joe Beda , Kelsey Hightower



Kubernetes radically changes the way applications are built and deployed in the cloud. Since its introduction in 2014, this container orchestrator has become one of the largest and most popular open source projects in the world. The updated edition of this practical book shows developers and ops personnel how Kubernetes and container technology can help you achieve new levels of velocity, agility, reliability, and efficiency.

Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burns, and Joe Beda—who’ve worked on Kubernetes at Google and beyond—explain how this system fits into the lifecycle of a distributed application. You’ll learn how to use tools and APIs to automate scalable distributed systems, whether it’s for online services, machine learning applications, or a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers.

  • Create a simple cluster to learn how Kubernetes works
  • Dive into the details of deploying an application using Kubernetes
  • Learn specialized objects in Kubernetes, such as DaemonSets, jobs, ConfigMaps, and secrets
  • Explore deployments that tie together the lifecycle of a complete application
  • Get practical examples of how to develop and deploy real-world applications in Kubernetes


Kubernetes 徹底改變了應用程式在雲端的建構與部署方式。自 2014 年推出以來,這個容器編排工具已成為全球最大且最受歡迎的開源專案之一。本書的更新版向開發人員和運維人員展示了 Kubernetes 和容器技術如何幫助您實現新的速度、靈活性、可靠性和效率。

Kelsey Hightower、Brendan Burns 和 Joe Beda——這些曾在 Google 及其他地方參與 Kubernetes 開發的人——解釋了這個系統如何融入分散式應用程式的生命週期。您將學習如何使用工具和 API 自動化可擴展的分散式系統,無論是用於線上服務、機器學習應用程式,還是 Raspberry Pi 電腦集群。

- 創建一個簡單的集群以了解 Kubernetes 的運作方式
- 深入了解使用 Kubernetes 部署應用程式的細節
- 學習 Kubernetes 中的專用物件,例如 DaemonSets、jobs、ConfigMaps 和 secrets
- 探索將完整應用程式生命週期串聯起來的部署
- 獲得在 Kubernetes 中開發和部署實際應用程式的實用範例


Brendan Burns (PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst) teaches game development in the department of Computer Science at Union College in Schenectady, New York. At Union, he also researches the role that games can play in general Computer Science education. In addition to his academic work, Brendan is a maintainer of the port of Id Software's bestselling game, "Quake II" to Linux and the author of several games for the Palm platform. He is the author of 3 O'Reilly books now in print.

Joe is the lead engineer for the Google Compute Engine project. He has been at Google for ~8 years and, besides GCE, Joe has worked on Google Talk, Goog-411 and Adwords keyword suggestions. Before Google, Joe was an engineer at Microsoft working on IE and WPF.

Kelsey Hightower has worn every hat possible throughout his career in tech, and enjoys leadership roles focused on making things happen and shipping software. Kelsey is a strong open source advocate focused on building simple tools that make people smile. When he is not slinging Go code, you can catch him giving technical workshops covering everything from programming to system administration.


布蘭登·伯恩斯(Brendan Burns,麻薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校博士)在紐約州斯肯克塔迪的聯合學院(Union College)計算機科學系教授遊戲開發。在聯合學院,他還研究遊戲在一般計算機科學教育中的角色。除了學術工作外,布蘭登還是Id Software暢銷遊戲《Quake II》移植到Linux的維護者,並且是幾款Palm平台遊戲的作者。他是目前出版的三本O'Reilly書籍的作者。

喬(Joe)是Google Compute Engine專案的首席工程師。他在Google工作了約8年,除了GCE之外,喬還參與了Google Talk、Goog-411和Adwords關鍵字建議的開發。在加入Google之前,喬曾在微軟擔任工程師,負責IE和WPF的開發。

凱爾西·海塔瓦(Kelsey Hightower)在他的科技職業生涯中擔任過各種角色,並享受專注於實現目標和交付軟體的領導職位。凱爾西是一位強烈的開源倡導者,專注於構建讓人們微笑的簡單工具。當他不在撰寫Go代碼時,你可以看到他舉辦技術工作坊,涵蓋從程式設計到系統管理的各種主題。