Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure (Paperback)
暫譯: Kubernetes:啟動與運行:深入基礎設施的未來(平裝本)

Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burns, Joe Beda



Legend has it that Google deploys over a billion application containers a week. How is that possible? The company decided to share the process through an open source project called Kubernetes, which replicates many of the features found in its internal system. This practical book will prepare you to take advantage of everything the Kubernetes platform has to offer.

Rather than an exact copy of its internal Borg system, Kubernetes is an upgrade based on lessons Google learned over the last decade. Kubernetes is also designed to integrate with the most robust container ecosystem: Docker. Developers and Ops practitioners can easily deploy a demo Kubernetes environment and kick the tires, but when it comes time to scale to hundreds of nodes, you’re going to need a reliable field guide.

Kubernetes: Up and Running will help you:

  • Learn how to make zero down-time application deployments with Kubernetes
  • Track metrics and logs for every container running in your cluster
  • Discover patterns for running large-scale application deployments that work for big players such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook
  • Explore topics including Kubernetes components (kubelet, API, scheduler, replication controllers); containers; distributed computing; service discovery; and continuous delivery


傳說中,Google 每週部署超過十億個應用容器。這怎麼可能呢?該公司決定通過一個名為 Kubernetes 的開源專案來分享這個過程,該專案複製了其內部系統中的許多功能。這本實用的書將幫助你充分利用 Kubernetes 平台所提供的一切。

Kubernetes 並不是其內部 Borg 系統的精確複製,而是基於 Google 在過去十年中學到的經驗進行的升級。Kubernetes 也設計為能夠與最強大的容器生態系統 Docker 整合。開發人員和運維人員可以輕鬆部署一個演示的 Kubernetes 環境並進行測試,但當需要擴展到數百個節點時,你將需要一本可靠的實用指南。

《Kubernetes: Up and Running》將幫助你:

- 學習如何使用 Kubernetes 進行零停機時間的應用部署
- 追蹤集群中每個容器的指標和日誌
- 發現適用於 Google、Twitter 和 Facebook 等大型企業的大規模應用部署模式
- 探索包括 Kubernetes 組件(kubelet、API、調度器、複製控制器)、容器、分散式計算、服務發現和持續交付等主題