React Native Cookbook: Bringing the Web to Native Platforms

Jonathan Lebensold




Tackling an app development project on multiple platforms is usually an arduous task, but with React Native, you can build cross-platform mobile apps that look and behave just like native apps built with Swift or Java. If you’re familiar with JavaScript, the recipes in this cookbook will help you understand the React Native ecosystem, deal with design and hardware issues, take on the deployment process, and write maintainable code.

How do you organize a project? Or design an app that can access a device’s camera? Based on author Jonathan Lebensold’s personal journey through the app development process, the recipes in this cookbook will not only provide you with quick answers, they can also inspire you to come up with your own solutions.

  • Examine the software tools you’ll use to build a React Native app
  • Leverage components and JavaScript libraries in the React ecosystem
  • Design cross-platform apps that balance UX, platform conventions, and technical complexity
  • Get common use cases and advice for taking advantage of device hardware
  • Automate app publishing, share your iOS App with beta testers, and configure app settings
  • Learn strategies for ensuring your code is well factored, easily maintained, and correct


使用React Native來開發多平台的應用程式通常是一項艱鉅的任務,但是有了React Native,您可以建立跨平台的行動應用程式,其外觀和行為就像使用Swift或Java建立的原生應用程式一樣。如果您熟悉JavaScript,這本食譜將幫助您了解React Native生態系統,處理設計和硬體問題,進行部署流程並撰寫易於維護的程式碼。

您如何組織一個專案?或者設計一個可以存取設備相機的應用程式?根據作者Jonathan Lebensold在應用程式開發過程中的個人經歷,這本食譜不僅提供快速答案,還可以激發您提出自己的解決方案。

- 檢視您將用於建立React Native應用程式的軟體工具
- 利用React生態系統中的元件和JavaScript函式庫
- 設計平衡使用者體驗、平台慣例和技術複雜性的跨平台應用程式
- 獲取常見使用案例和利用設備硬體的建議
- 自動化應用程式發佈,與測試人員共享iOS應用程式,並配置應用程式設定
- 學習確保程式碼結構良好、易於維護和正確的策略