C# 7.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference (C# 7.0 精要:權威參考指南)

Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari




When you have questions about C# 7.0 or the .NET CLR and its core Framework assemblies, this bestselling guide has the answers you need. C# has become a language of unusual flexibility and breadth since its premiere in 2000, but this continual growth means there’s still much more to learn.

Organized around concepts and use cases, this thoroughly updated sixth edition provides intermediate and advanced programmers with a concise map of C# and .NET knowledge. Dive in and discover why this Nutshell guide is considered the definitive reference on C#.

  • Get up to speed with all aspects of the C# language, from the basics of syntax and variables, to advanced topics such as pointers and operator overloading
  • Dig deep into LINQ via three chapters dedicated to the topic
  • Learn about dynamic, asynchronous, and parallel programming
  • Work with .NET features, including XML, networking, serialization, reflection, security, application domains, and code contracts
  • Explore the new C# 7.0 compiler-as-a-service, Roslyn


當你對於C# 7.0或.NET CLR以及其核心Framework組件有疑問時,這本暢銷指南將提供你所需的答案。自從2000年首次推出以來,C#已成為一種具有非凡靈活性和廣度的語言,但這種持續增長意味著仍有很多需要學習的地方。


- 從語法和變數的基礎知識到指標和運算符重載等高級主題,全面了解C#語言的各個方面
- 通過三個專門章節深入研究LINQ
- 學習動態、異步和並行編程
- 使用.NET功能,包括XML、網絡、序列化、反射、安全性、應用程序域和代碼契約
- 探索新的C# 7.0編譯器服務Roslyn