Javascript: The Definitive Guide: Master the World's Most-Used Programming Language, 7/e (Paperback)

Flanagan, David




JavaScript is the programming language of the web and is used by more software developers today than any other programming language. For nearly 25 years this best seller has been the go-to guide for JavaScript programmers. The seventh edition is fully updated to cover the 2020 version of JavaScript, and new chapters cover classes, modules, iterators, generators, Promises, async/await, and metaprogramming. You'll find illuminating and engaging example code throughout.

This book is for programmers who want to learn JavaScript and for web developers who want to take their understanding and mastery to the next level. It begins by explaining the JavaScript language itself, in detail, from the bottom up. It then builds on that foundation to cover the web platform and Node.js.

Topics include:

  • Types, values, variables, expressions, operators, statements, objects, and arrays
  • Functions, classes, modules, iterators, generators, Promises, and async/await
  • JavaScript's standard library: data structures, regular expressions, JSON, i18n, etc.
  • The web platform: documents, components, graphics, networking, storage, and threads
  • Node.js: buffers, files, streams, threads, child processes, web clients, and web servers
  • Tools and language extensions that professional JavaScript developers rely on





- 類型、值、變數、表達式、運算子、陳述式、物件和陣列
- 函式、類別、模組、迭代器、生成器、Promises和async/await
- JavaScript的標準程式庫:資料結構、正則表達式、JSON、i18n等
- 網頁平台:文件、元件、圖形、網路、儲存和執行緒
- Node.js:緩衝區、檔案、串流、執行緒、子程序、網路客戶端和網路伺服器
- 專業JavaScript開發人員所依賴的工具和語言擴展


David Flanagan is a computer programmer who spends most of his time writing about JavaScript and Java. His books with O'Reilly include Java in a Nutshell, Java Examples in a Nutshell, Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, and JavaScript Pocket Reference. David has a degree in computer science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He lives with his wife and children in the U.S. Pacific Northwest bewteen the cities of Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia. David has a blog at


David Flanagan 是一位電腦程式設計師,他大部分的時間都在撰寫關於 JavaScript 和 Java 的書籍。他在 O'Reilly 出版的書籍包括《Java in a Nutshell》、《Java Examples in a Nutshell》、《Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell》、《JavaScript: The Definitive Guide》和《JavaScript Pocket Reference》。David 擁有麻省理工學院的電腦科學和工程學學位。他與妻子和孩子居住在美國太平洋西北地區,位於華盛頓州的西雅圖和英屬哥倫比亞省的溫哥華之間。David 在 上有一個部落格。

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