Pro C# 7: With .NET and .NET Core

Andrew Troelsen, Philip Japikse




This essential classic title provides a comprehensive foundation in the C# programming language and the frameworks it lives in. Now in its 8th edition, you’ll find all the very latest C# 7.1 and .NET 4.7 features here, along with four brand new chapters on Microsoft’s lightweight, cross-platform framework, .NET Core, up to and including .NET Core 2.0. Coverage of ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework (EF) Core, and more, sits alongside the latest updates to .NET, including Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and ASP.NET MVC.
Dive in and discover why Pro C# has been a favorite of C# developers worldwide for over 15 years. Gain a solid foundation in object-oriented development techniques, attributes and reflection, generics and collections as well as numerous advanced topics not found in other texts (such as CIL opcodes and emitting dynamic assemblies). With the help of this book you’ll have the confidence to put C# into practice and explore the .NET universe on your own terms.
What You Will Learn
  • Discover the latest C# 7.1 features, from tuples to pattern matching
  • Hit the ground running with Microsoft’s lightweight, open source .NET Core platform, including ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Core web services, and Entity Framework Core
  • Find complete coverage of XAML, .NET 4.7 and Visual Studio 2017
  • Understand the philosophy behind .NET and the new, cross-platform alternative, .NET Core



這本重要的經典書籍提供了C#程式語言及其相關框架的全面基礎知識。這是第8版,包含了最新的C# 7.1和.NET 4.7功能,以及四個全新的章節,介紹了微軟的輕量級跨平台框架.NET Core,包括.NET Core 2.0。書中還介紹了ASP.NET Core、Entity Framework (EF) Core等內容,並包含了.NET的最新更新,包括Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)、Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)和ASP.NET MVC。

深入研究並發現為什麼《Pro C#》在過去15年中一直是全球C#開發人員的最愛。書中介紹了物件導向開發技術、屬性和反射、泛型和集合,以及其他一些高級主題(如CIL操作碼和動態組件生成),這些主題在其他教材中很少見。通過這本書的幫助,您將有信心將C#應用於實踐,並按照自己的方式探索.NET世界。

- 了解最新的C# 7.1功能,從元組到模式匹配
- 使用微軟的輕量級開源.NET Core平台,包括ASP.NET Core MVC、ASP.NET Core Web服務和Entity Framework Core
- 完整介紹XAML、.NET 4.7和Visual Studio 2017
- 理解.NET的理念以及新的跨平台替代方案.NET Core