Mobile Game Development with Unity: Build Once, Deploy Anywhere (Paperback)
暫譯: 使用 Unity 的行動遊戲開發:一次建置,隨處部署(平裝本)

Jonathon Manning, Paris Buttfield-Addison




Learn how to build games that work on several mobile devices, including phones and tablets powered by iOS, Android, and Blackberry. This practical book shows you how to get started with the Unity game development ecosystem for creating beautiful, interactive 3D and 2D content.

You’ll get a top-to-bottom overview of Unity’s features—including its game engine, integrated development environment (IDE), and ready-made assets—with specific, project-oriented guidance on how to use those features in real games that will hook and delight players on any mobile platform.


學習如何建立可以在多種行動裝置上運行的遊戲,包括由 iOS、Android 和 Blackberry 支援的手機和平板電腦。本書提供實用的指導,教你如何開始使用 Unity 遊戲開發生態系統,創建美麗且互動的 3D 和 2D 內容。

你將獲得 Unity 功能的全面概述,包括其遊戲引擎、整合開發環境 (IDE) 和現成資源,並提供具體的專案導向指導,教你如何在實際遊戲中使用這些功能,讓玩家在任何行動平台上都能沉浸其中並感到愉悅。