SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code, 3/e (Paperback) (SQL 與關聯理論:如何撰寫準確的 SQL 代碼,第三版)

C. J. Date




SQL is full of difficulties and traps for the unwary. You can avoid them if you understand relational theory, but only if you know how to put that theory into practice. In this book, Chris Date explains relational theory in depth, and demonstrates through numerous examples and exercises how you can apply it to your use of SQL.

This third edition has been revised, extended, and improved throughout. Topics whose treatment has been expanded include data types and domains, table comparisons, image relations, aggregate operators and summarization, view updating, and subqueries. A special feature of this edition is a new appendix on NoSQL and relational theory.


SQL充滿了對於不熟悉者來說困難和陷阱。如果你理解關聯理論,你可以避免這些問題,但只有當你知道如何將理論應用於實踐時才能做到。在這本書中,Chris Date深入解釋了關聯理論,並通過眾多的例子和練習展示了如何將其應用於SQL的使用中。
