Using WebPageTest: Web Performance Testing for Novices and Power Users (Paperback)

Rick Viscomi, Andy Davies, Marcel Duran




Learn basic and advanced uses of WebPagetest, the performance measurement tool for optimizing websites. This practical guide shows users new to this tool how run tests and interpret results, and helps experienced users gain a better and more thorough understanding of hidden features in WebPagetest that make testing easier.

Written by WebPagetest power users and performance experts, this book will help web developers and frontend engineers solve the problem of slow sites. Topics include:

  • Basic test setup—shows beginners how to get meaningful results
  • Advanced test setup—provides another level of technical depth by explaining features not thoroughly documented at
  • Analysis of results—helps you understand of how to interpret test results
  • Private instance setup—teaches power users the intricacies of the webpagetest private instance and how it works
  • API and external tools—provides a detailed reference for the API and demonstrates tools already using the API to extend WebPagetest


學習 WebPagetest 的基本和高級用法,這是一個優化網站性能的測試工具。這本實用指南將向初次使用這個工具的用戶展示如何運行測試和解讀結果,並幫助有經驗的用戶更好地理解 WebPagetest 中的隱藏功能,使測試更加容易。

這本書由 WebPagetest 的高級用戶和性能專家撰寫,將幫助網站開發人員和前端工程師解決網站速度慢的問題。主題包括:

- 基本測試設置 - 向初學者展示如何獲得有意義的結果
- 高級測試設置 - 通過解釋 上未完全記錄的功能,提供更深入的技術細節
- 結果分析 - 幫助您理解如何解讀測試結果
- 私有實例設置 - 教導高級用戶使用 webpagetest 私有實例的細節和工作原理
- API 和外部工具 - 提供 API 的詳細參考,並演示已使用 API 擴展 WebPagetest 的工具