Impact Measurement and Outcomes Evaluation Using Salesforce for Nonprofits: A Guide to Data-Driven Frameworks

MacDonald, Dustin

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2023-09-28
  • 定價: $1,790
  • 售價: 8.5$1,522 (限時優惠至 2024-10-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 225
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1484297075
  • ISBN-13: 9781484297070
  • 相關分類: 雲端運算
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Conduct impact measurement and outcomes evaluation, with a specific focus on nonprofits, using Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud (aka Salesforce for Nonprofits). As funding grows more challenging for nonprofits, having a robust technology system in place allows nonprofits to better seek out funding and receive more when they do. Readers of this book will be better positioned to ensure the long-term success of their organization and make maximum use of their technology.

The book begins with an introduction to Salesforce and to Nonprofit Cloud for users who may be new to the platform. Next, you will learn the fundamentals of impact measurement and outcomes evaluation. You will understand why these are important and discover several frameworks that can be used to select outcomes that make sense for your organization to prove that its work is successful. These frameworks include Social Return on Investment (SROI), Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), and Pre and Post Comparison (and others).

You will use your chosen framework to develop a logic model or theory of change which demonstrates how the work that nonprofits do translates into the outputs and outcomes that clients experience and that nonprofits seek funding to deliver. After covering the theory, author Dustin MacDonald teaches you how to translate the framework you chose into Salesforce. You will learn how to create reports, dashboards, formula fields, roll up summaries, and other basic Salesforce tools in order to collect the information you need to validate your framework.

This book also demonstrates how to report on the outcomes you have achieved, tweak results to improve performance, and see the entire end-to-end experience in practice through a set of case studies. The book concludes with a discussion of advanced tools and techniques available inside Salesforce, such as Einstein Prediction Builder, as well as information on how you can immediately apply what you have learned to your own organization.

What You Will Learn


  • Understand how to use Nonprofit Cloud to collect and analyze data
  • Know how to create a theory of change that shows your impact
  • Become adept at working with impact measurement frameworks
  • Build everything you need in Salesforce without writing a single line of code
  • Turn your insights into new funding to keep your organization strong


Who This Book Is For

Salesforce administrators, nonprofit staff members, and others working at nonprofits who are required to conduct impact measurement and outcomes evaluation. Additionally, business analysts and technical architects who are designing and implementing solutions for nonprofits at implementation partners will benefit from this book.


這本書介紹如何使用 Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud(也稱為 Salesforce for Nonprofits)進行影響力評估和成果評估,專注於非營利組織。隨著非營利組織面臨越來越多的資金挑戰,擁有一個強大的技術系統可以幫助它們更好地尋求資金並在獲得資金時獲得更多的支持。本書的讀者將能夠更好地確保組織的長期成功,並充分利用他們的技術。

本書首先介紹了 Salesforce 和 Nonprofit Cloud,針對對這個平台不熟悉的用戶。接下來,您將學習影響力評估和成果評估的基本原則。您將了解為什麼這些是重要的,並了解可以用於選擇組織合理的成果的幾個框架,以證明其工作的成功。這些框架包括社會投資回報率(SROI)、成本效益分析(CBA)和前後比較(以及其他)。

您將使用所選框架來開發一個邏輯模型或變革理論,以展示非營利組織的工作如何轉化為客戶體驗的產出和成果,並為此尋求資金。在介紹理論後,作者 Dustin MacDonald 將教您如何將所選框架轉化為 Salesforce。您將學習如何使用報告、儀表板、公式欄位、摘要總結和其他基本的 Salesforce 工具來收集所需的信息以驗證您的框架。

本書還演示了如何報告您所取得的成果,調整結果以提高績效,並通過一系列案例研究實際體驗整個端到端的過程。本書最後討論了 Salesforce 內部提供的高級工具和技術,例如 Einstein Prediction Builder,以及如何將所學應用於您自己的組織。

- 瞭解如何使用 Nonprofit Cloud 收集和分析數據
- 知道如何創建一個能展示您的影響力的變革理論
- 熟練處理影響力評估框架
- 在 Salesforce 中構建所需的一切,無需編寫任何代碼
- 將您的洞察力轉化為新的資金,以保持組織的強大

- Salesforce 管理員、非營利組織工作人員和其他需要進行影響力評估和成果評估的非營利組織成員
- 此外,商業分析師和技術架構師在實施合作夥伴為非營利組織設計和實施解決方案的過程中也會從本書中受益。


Dustin K. MacDonald is 10x Salesforce Certified, including as a nonprofit Cloud Consultant. He holds an Accredited Professional in Einstein Prediction Builder and is currently a Senior Consultant at a mid-sized Salesforce Implementation Partner that focuses exclusively on nonprofits and public sector organizations. He is a former Affiliate Professor in Data Science at Eastern University in St. David's, Pennsylvania and holds several degrees: Bachelor of Professional Arts in Human Services, Master of Science in Data Science, and Master of Business Administration. Dustin was motivated to write this book because there are no books available on Nonprofit Cloud for nonprofit users who may lack technical knowledge, and the timing is right as Salesforce is increasing its focus on this vertical.


Dustin K. MacDonald是10倍Salesforce認證,包括非營利組織雲顧問。他擁有Einstein Prediction Builder的認可專業資格,目前是一家中型Salesforce實施合作夥伴的高級顧問,專注於非營利組織和公共部門機構。他曾是賓夕法尼亞州聖大衛東方大學的數據科學副教授,擁有多個學位:人類服務專業藝術學士、數據科學碩士和工商管理碩士。Dustin撰寫這本書的動機是因為目前沒有針對非營利組織用戶缺乏技術知識的Nonprofit Cloud書籍可用,而Salesforce正加大對這個垂直市場的關注。