Developer Relations: How to Build and Grow a Successful Developer Program

Lewko, Caroline, Parton, James




Increasingly, business leaders are either looking to start a new developer program at their company or looking to increase the impact of their existing DevRel program. In this context, software developers are finally recognized as legitimate decision makers in the technology buying process, regardless of the size of their organization. New companies are appearing with the sole purpose of making tools for developers, and even companies whose primary focus was elsewhere are waking up to the developer opportunity. Even as the need and demand for DevRel has grown, there are still re-occurring challenges for DevRel leaders.

It is these challenges that this book addresses, covering all aspects of a DevRel program. It is an essential reference to professionalize the practice of developer relations by providing you with strategic, repeatable, and adoptable frameworks, processes, and tools, including developer segmentation and personas, and developer experience frameworks.

In Developer Relations, you'll find the answers to the following questions:

  • How do we convince stakeholders to support a program?
  • How do we go about creating a program?
  • How do we make developers aware of our offer?

  • How do we stand out from the crowd?
  • How do we get developers to use our products?
  • How do we ensure developers are successful using our products?
  • How do we measure success?
  • How do we maintain the support of our stakeholders?

After reading this book you'll have a clear definition of what developer relations is, the type of companies that engage in DevRel, and the scope and business models involved.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover what developer relations is and how it contributes to a company's success
  • Launch a DevRel program
  • Operate a successful program
  • Measure the success of your program
  • Manage stakeholders

Who This Book Is For

Those interested in starting a new developer program or looking to increase the impact of their existing one. From executives to investors, from marketing professionals to engineers, all will find this book useful to realize the impact of developer relations.




- 我們如何說服利益相關者支持一個計劃?
- 我們如何創建一個計劃?
- 我們如何讓開發者了解我們的產品?
- 我們如何在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出?
- 我們如何讓開發者使用我們的產品?
- 我們如何確保開發者成功使用我們的產品?
- 我們如何衡量成功?
- 我們如何維持利益相關者的支持?


- 發現開發者關係是什麼,以及它如何促進公司的成功
- 啟動一個DevRel計劃
- 運營一個成功的計劃
- 衡量計劃的成功
- 管理利益相關者



James Parton created and ran developer programs for O2 and Telefonica, before joining Twilio as their first hire outside of the US to launch and run their EMEA business until IPO. James has also completed successful two-year board positions with the Application Developer Alliance and the Mobile Ecosystem Forum.
Caroline Lewko has been in the mobile and tech sector since 1995, helping develop ground-breaking tech and nurturing community connections and innovation. She started WIP, the first boutique developer relations agency in 2006, and has worked for companies ranging from the top ranks of the Fortune 500 to start-ups with an array of technologies from mobile to machine learning.

Both authors have operated at leadership level in both startup and corporate DevRel organisations, and run their own consulting businesses. They are passionate about the subject, want to actively improve the understanding of DevRel, and assist with its professionalization.


James Parton曾在O2和Telefonica擔任開發者計畫的創建和運營工作,後來加入Twilio成為他們在美國以外的第一位雇員,負責推出和運營他們在歐洲、中東和非洲的業務,直到上市。James還曾在Application Developer Alliance和Mobile Ecosystem Forum擔任兩年的董事職位,並取得成功。
Caroline Lewko自1995年以來一直在移動和科技領域工作,幫助開發創新技術並促進社區聯繫和創新。她於2006年創辦了WIP,這是第一家專門從事開發者關係的精品代理機構,並曾為從財富500強的頂級企業到從事各種技術(從移動到機器學習)的初創公司工作。
