Using and Administering Linux: Volume 3: Zero to Sysadmin: Network Services
暫譯: 使用與管理 Linux:第三卷:從零開始的系統管理:網路服務
Both, David
Manage complex systems with ease and equip yourself for a new career. This book builds upon the skills you learned in Volumes 1 and 2 of this course and it depends upon the virtual network and virtual machine you created there.
However, more experienced Linux users can begin with this volume and download an assigned script that will set up the VM for the start of Volume 3. Instructions with the script will provide specifications for configuration of the virtual network and the virtual machine. Refer to the volume overviews in the book's introduction to select the volume of this course most appropriate for your current skill level.
Start by reviewing the administration of Linux servers and install and configure various Linux server services such as DHCP, DNS, NTP, and SSH server that will be used to provide advanced network services. You'll then learn to install and configure servers such as BIND for name services, DHCP for network host configuration, and SSH for secure logins to remote hosts. Other topics covered include public/private keypairs to further enhance security, SendMail and IMAP and antispam protection for email, using Apache and WordPress to create and manage web sites, NFS, SAMBA, and Chrony.
This volume also covers SELinux, and building RPMs to distribute automation scripts. All of these services are installed on a single server host over the course of the book and by the time you are finished you will have a single server that provides these services for your network.
What You Will Learn
- Install, configure, and manage several Linux server services such as email with spam management and single and multiple web sites
- Work with NTP time synchronization, DHCP, SSH, and file sharing with Unix/Linux and Windows clients
- Create RPMs for distribution of scripts and administrative programs.
- Understand and work with enhanced security.
Who This Book Is For
Those who are already Linux power users - SysAdmins who can administer Linux workstation hosts that are not servers - who want to learn to administer the services provided by Linux servers such as web, time, name, email, SSH, and more.
然而,更有經驗的 Linux 使用者可以從本卷開始,並下載一個指定的腳本,該腳本將為第三卷的開始設置虛擬機器。腳本中的指示將提供虛擬網路和虛擬機器的配置規範。請參考本書介紹中的卷概述,以選擇最適合您當前技能水平的課程卷。
首先回顧 Linux 伺服器的管理,安裝和配置各種 Linux 伺服器服務,如 DHCP、DNS、NTP 和 SSH 伺服器,這些服務將用於提供高級網路服務。然後,您將學習安裝和配置伺服器,如 BIND 用於名稱服務、DHCP 用於網路主機配置,以及 SSH 用於安全登錄遠端主機。其他涵蓋的主題包括公鑰/私鑰對以進一步增強安全性、SendMail 和 IMAP 及電子郵件的反垃圾郵件保護、使用 Apache 和 WordPress 創建和管理網站、NFS、SAMBA 和 Chrony。
本卷還涵蓋 SELinux 和構建 RPM 以分發自動化腳本。在本書的過程中,所有這些服務都安裝在單一伺服器主機上,當您完成時,您將擁有一個為您的網路提供這些服務的單一伺服器。
- 安裝、配置和管理多個 Linux 伺服器服務,如電子郵件(含垃圾郵件管理)和單個及多個網站
- 使用 NTP 時間同步、DHCP、SSH 以及與 Unix/Linux 和 Windows 客戶端的檔案共享
- 創建 RPM 以分發腳本和管理程序
- 理解並使用增強的安全性
本書適合已經是 Linux 高級使用者的讀者 - 系統管理員(SysAdmins),他們能夠管理非伺服器的 Linux 工作站主機 - 希望學習管理 Linux 伺服器提供的服務,如網頁、時間、名稱、電子郵件、SSH 等等。
David Both is an Open Source Software and GNU/Linux advocate, trainer, writer, and speaker. He has been working with Linux and Open Source Software for more than 20 years and has been working with computers for over 45 years. He is a strong proponent of and evangelist for the "Linux Philosophy for System Administrators." David has been in the IT industry for over forty years.
He worked for IBM for 21 years and, while working as a Course Development Representative in Boca Raton, FL, in 1981, wrote the training course for the first IBM PC. He has taught RHCE classes for Red Hat and has worked at MCI Worldcom, Cisco, and the State of North Carolina. In most of the places he has worked since leaving IBM in 1995, he has taught classes on Linux ranging from Lunch'n'Learns to full five day courses. Helping others learn about Linux and open source software is one of his great pleasures.
David had some amazing teachers and mentors in my 40 years in IT and my more than 20 years working with Linux. At their core, Linux and open source in general are about sharing and helping others and about contributing to the community. These books, along with "The Linux philosophy for SysAdmins," are a continuation of his desire to pass on my knowledge and to provide mentoring to anyone interested in learning about Linux.
David is the author of The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins (Apress, 2018) and can be found on Twitter @linuxgeek46.
大衛·博斯(David Both)是一位開源軟體和GNU/Linux的倡導者、培訓師、作家和演講者。他在Linux和開源軟體領域工作超過20年,並且在電腦領域工作超過45年。他是「系統管理員的Linux哲學」的強烈支持者和傳道者。大衛在IT產業已經工作超過四十年。
他在IBM工作了21年,並且在1981年擔任佛羅里達州博卡拉頓的課程開發代表時,編寫了第一台IBM PC的培訓課程。他曾為紅帽(Red Hat)教授RHCE課程,並在MCI Worldcom、思科(Cisco)和北卡羅來納州工作。在他自1995年離開IBM以來的大多數工作場所,他教授的Linux課程從午餐學習(Lunch'n'Learns)到完整的五天課程不等。幫助他人學習Linux和開源軟體是他最大的樂趣之一。
大衛是《系統管理員的Linux哲學》(The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins,Apress,2018)的作者,可以在Twitter上找到他 @linuxgeek46。