Using and Administering Linux: Volume 2: Zero to Sysadmin: Advanced Topics (使用與管理Linux:第二卷:從零開始的系統管理:進階主題)
Both, David
Experience an in-depth exploration of logical volume management and the use of file managers to manipulate files and directories and the critical concept that, in Linux, everything is a file and some fun and interesting uses of the fact that everything is a file.
This book builds upon the skills you learned in Volume 1 of this course and it depends upon the virtual network and virtual machine created there. More experienced Linux users can begin with this volume and download the assigned script that will set up the VM for the start of Volume 2. Instructions with the script will provide specifications for configuration of the virtual network and the virtual machine. Refer to the volume overviews in the book's introduction to select the volume of this course most appropriate for your current skill level.
You'll see how to manage and monitor running processes, discover the power of the special filesystems, monitor and tune the kernel while it is running - without a reboot. You'll then turn to regular expressions and the power that using them for pattern matching can bring to the command line, and learn to manage printers and printing from the command line and unlock the secrets of the hardware on which your Linux operating system is running.
Experiment with command line programming and how to automate various administrative tasks, networking, and the many services that are required in a Linux system. Use the logs and journals to look for clues to problems and confirmation that things are working correctly, and learn to enhance the security of your Linux systems and how to perform easy local and remote backups.
What You Will Learn
- Understand Logical Volume Management, using file managers, and special filesystems
- Exploit everything in a file
- Perform command line programming and basic automation
- Configure printers and manage other hardware
- Manage system services with systemd, user management, security, and local and remote backups using simple and freely available tools
Who This Book Is For
Anyone who wants to continue to learn Linux in depth as an advanced user and system administrator at the command line while using the GUI desktop to leverage productivity.
您將了解如何管理和監控運行中的進程,發現特殊檔案系統的威力,以及在內核運行時進行監控和調整 - 無需重新啟動。然後,您將轉向正則表達式和使用它們進行模式匹配所帶來的命令行的威力,並學習如何從命令行管理打印機和打印,以及解鎖運行您的Linux操作系統的硬件的秘密。
- 理解邏輯卷管理、使用檔案管理器和特殊檔案系統
- 利用一切皆為檔案的特性
- 執行命令行編程和基本自動化
- 配置打印機和管理其他硬件
- 使用systemd管理系統服務、使用者管理、安全性以及使用簡單且免費的工具進行本地和遠程備份
David Both is a Linux and Open Source advocate who resides in Raleigh, North Carolina. He has been in the IT industry for over forty years and taught OS/2 for IBM where he worked for over 20 years. While at IBM, he wrote the first training course for the original IBM PC in 1981. He has taught RHCE classes for Red Hat and has worked at MCI Worldcom, Cisco, and the State of North Carolina. He has been working with Linux and Open Source Software for 20 years. David has written articles for OS/2 Magazine, Linux Magazine, Linux Journal and His article "Complete Kickstart," co-authored with a colleague at Cisco, was ranked 9th in the Linux Magazine Top Ten Best System Administration Articles list for 2008. He has spoken at POSSCON and All Things Open (ATO).
David Both是一位居住在北卡羅來納州羅利的Linux和開源倡導者。他在IT行業已經有超過四十年的經驗,曾在IBM教授OS/2課程並在那裡工作了二十多年。在IBM期間,他於1981年為原始IBM PC編寫了第一個培訓課程。他曾為Red Hat教授RHCE課程,並在MCI Worldcom、思科和北卡羅來納州政府工作。他已經與Linux和開源軟件一起工作了20年。David曾為OS/2 Magazine、Linux Magazine、Linux Journal和OpenSource.com撰寫文章。他與思科的一位同事合著的文章《Complete Kickstart》在2008年的Linux Magazine十大最佳系統管理文章中排名第9。他曾在POSSCON和All Things Open (ATO)發表演講。