Perl was originally written by Larry Wall while he was working at NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs. Larry is an Internet legend, known not just for Perl, but as the author of the UNIX utilities rn, one of the original Usenet newsreaders, and patch, a tremendously useful tool that takes a list of differences between two files and allows you to turn one into the other. The term patch used for this activity is now widespread. Perl started life as a "glue" language for Larry and his officemates, allowing one to "stick" different tools together by converting between their various data formats. It pulled together the best features of several languages: the powerful regular expressions from sed (the Unix stream editor), the patte- scanning language awk, and a few other languages and utilities. The syntax was further made up out of C, Pascal, Basic, Unix shell languages, English, and maybe a few other elements along the way. While Perl started its life as glue, it is now more often likened to another handy multiuse tool: duct tape. A common statement heard in cyberspace is that Perl is the duct tape that holds the Internet together.
Perl 最初是由 Larry Wall 在 NASA 的噴射推進實驗室工作時所撰寫的。Larry 是一位網路傳奇,不僅因為 Perl 而聞名,還因為他是 UNIX 工具 rn 的作者,這是最早的 Usenet 新聞閱讀器之一,以及 patch,一個非常有用的工具,可以比較兩個檔案之間的差異,並允許你將一個轉換成另一個。用於這項活動的術語 patch 現在已經廣泛使用。Perl 最初作為 Larry 和他的同事們的「黏合」語言,允許將不同的工具「黏合」在一起,通過轉換它們的各種數據格式。它整合了幾種語言的最佳特性:來自 sed(Unix 流編輯器)的強大正則表達式、模式掃描語言 awk,以及其他幾種語言和工具。其語法進一步由 C、Pascal、Basic、Unix shell 語言、英語,以及可能還有其他一些元素組成。雖然 Perl 最初是作為黏合劑,但現在更常被比喻為另一種方便的多用途工具:膠帶。在網路空間中常聽到的一句話是,Perl 就是將互聯網連結在一起的膠帶。
At the impressionable age of 14, William "Bo" Rothwell crossed paths with a TRS-80 Micro Computer System (affectionately known as a "Trash 80"). Soon after the adults responsible for Bo made the mistake of leaving him alone with the TSR-80. He immediately dismantled it and held his first computer class, showing his friends what made this "computer thing" work. Since this experience, Bo's passion for understanding how computers work and sharing this knowledge with others has resulting in a rewarding career in IT training. His experience includes Linux, Unix, DevOps tools, and programming languages such as Perl, Python, Tcl, and BASH.
在14歲的印象深刻年齡,威廉·“博”·羅斯威爾與一台TRS-80微型電腦系統(親切地稱為“Trash 80”)相遇。不久之後,負責博的成年人犯了一個錯誤,讓他獨自一人與TRS-80相處。他立即將其拆解,並舉辦了他的第一堂電腦課,向朋友們展示這個“電腦東西”是如何運作的。自此以後,博對理解電腦運作原理的熱情以及與他人分享這些知識,使他在IT培訓領域獲得了豐富的職業生涯。他的經驗包括Linux、Unix、DevOps工具,以及Perl、Python、Tcl和BASH等程式語言。