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Using FreeRTOS and libopencm3 instead of the Arduino software environment, this book will help you develop multi-tasking applications that go beyond Arduino norms. In addition to the usual peripherals found in the typical Arduino device, the STM32 device includes a USB controller, RTC (Real Time Clock), DMA (Direct Memory Access controller), CAN bus and more.
Each chapter contains clear explanations of the STM32 hardware capabilities to help get you started with the device, including GPIO and several other ST Microelectronics peripherals like USB and CAN bus controller. You’ll learn how to download and set up the libopencm3 + FreeRTOS development environment, using GCC. With everything set up, you’ll leverage FreeRTOS to create tasks, queues, and mutexes. You’ll also learn to work with the I2C bus to add GPIO using the PCF8574 chip. And how to create PWM output for RC control using hardware timers.
You'll be introduced to new concepts that are necessary to master the STM32, such as how to extend code with GCC overlays using an external Winbond W25Q32 flash chip. Your knowledge is tested at the end of each chapter with exercises. Upon completing this book, you’ll be ready to work with any of the devices in the STM32 family.
- Initialize and use the libopencm3 drivers and handle interrupts
- Use DMA to drive a SPI based OLED displaying an analog meter
- Read PWM from an RC control using hardware timers
使用 FreeRTOS 和 libopencm3 取代 Arduino 軟體環境,本書將幫助您開發超越 Arduino 標準的多任務應用程式。除了典型 Arduino 裝置中常見的周邊設備外,STM32 裝置還包括 USB 控制器、RTC(實時時鐘)、DMA(直接記憶體存取控制器)、CAN 總線等。
每一章都清楚地解釋了 STM32 硬體的能力,以幫助您開始使用該裝置,包括 GPIO 以及其他幾個 ST Microelectronics 的周邊設備,如 USB 和 CAN 總線控制器。您將學習如何下載和設置 libopencm3 + FreeRTOS 開發環境,使用 GCC。設置完成後,您將利用 FreeRTOS 創建任務、佇列和互斥鎖。您還將學習如何使用 I2C 總線通過 PCF8574 晶片添加 GPIO,以及如何使用硬體計時器創建 RC 控制的 PWM 輸出。
您將接觸到掌握 STM32 所需的新概念,例如如何使用外部 Winbond W25Q32 閃存晶片通過 GCC 覆蓋擴展代碼。每章結束時都有練習來測試您的知識。完成本書後,您將能夠使用 STM32 家族中的任何裝置。
《Beginning STM32》為專業人士、學生或愛好者提供了一種學習 ARM 的方式,而不會花費太多!
- 初始化並使用 libopencm3 驅動程式並處理中斷
- 使用 DMA 驅動基於 SPI 的 OLED 顯示模擬計量器
- 使用硬體計時器從 RC 控制讀取 PWM
有經驗的嵌入式工程師、學生、愛好者和製作者,希望探索 ARM 架構,超越 Arduino 的限制。